Followers of Kuara Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Followers of Kuara

The Followers of Kuara are a dedicated group of people who follow Kuara, The Goddess of Life. They pledge food, gold, and items to her and are even rumored to hold sacrifices for her. The Followers of Kuara were first formed by The Vantol family and currently most of the Families of Obu are members of it. The Followers of Kuara reside in the holy city of Hamasa, a city where only certain people are allowed.


The Followers of Kuara was first formed when the first settlers of Obu were blessed by Kuara, The Goddess of Life's presence. The first members of The Vantol family were among these settlers and the formed the Followers of Kuara soon after.
Religious, Cult


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