Obu Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The land of Obu is a large country filled with vast deserts with large mountain ranges on nearly all of its borders. Obu produces nearly all of its wealth through trade and commerce and is ruled by The six richest families, who have each gained their wealth through a unique market; the Vantol family produces and sells jewelry, The Grante armor, Boncrat Food and livestock, Esdren weaponry, Montifa potions and tonics, and the Qaltarn family produces and sells staves and magic catalysts. These families rule over Obu and protect it and its people.  

Border Relations

  The Country of Obu shares a boarder with Arnumia, Methiumia, Laolisa, Murgland, and Naria. Obu and Arnumia have the best relationship between all of Obu's neighbors. They have a very strong trade partnership and Arnumia is very generous to the Families of Obu. Obu and Methiumia have very neutral relationship, there is only one trade route through the mountains that separate them and because of the mountains traitorous nature it is a rather long one. Laolisa lies beyond a large lake and a vast desert and hillside, making the relationship between the two rather difficult to establish, but because of the few trade routes they have in place they have a slightly positive view on each other as of now. Murgland and Obu have a very undeveloped relationship because of the traitorous landscape between the two but since the first trade route has recently been established their opinions of each other has started to slowly rise. Obu and Naria only share a small border and thus the two nearly never interact, causing them to have little to no opinon of the other.  


  The Capital of Obu is Obu City, where most of the Families of Obu reside. The holy city of Hamasa is where the Followers of Kuara reside and worship The Goddess of Life, Kuara. The runied city of Roki lies to the Southeastern border of Obu and is said to be cursed by The Aerico who roam the ruins of the city and its surrounding deserts.


The culture of Obu is deeply rooted in trade and commerce, as it is the primary source of wealth and power in the country. The people of Obu highly value resourcefulness, cunning, and ambition. They admire those who can navigate the treacherous landscape of the deserts and mountains to succeed in their endeavors. The families of Obu are revered and feared, and their influence is felt in every aspect of society. Loyalty to one's family is of utmost importance, and betrayals are dealt with harshly.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the ruling families is primarily driven by a desire for power and control. Each family seeks to expand its influence and wealth through trade, and they often engage in political intrigues and alliances to further their goals. The families also seek to maintain their grip on the country by suppressing any opposition and quelling rebellions.


Obu has a long and storied history, dating back to ancient times. The country has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations and dynasties. The current ruling families have held power for generations, passing down their wealth and influence through bloodlines.

Demography and Population

Obu is a diverse country, with a population consisting of various races and ethnicities. The majority of the population is human, but there are also significant populations of Fire genasi, Yuan-Ti, Gnomes, Drow, and halflings. The population is concentrated in the cities and towns, while the vast deserts and mountains remain sparsely inhabited.


Obu occupies a large expanse of land, with its borders protected by mountain ranges and deserts. The territory is forcefully held by the ruling families, who have consolidated their power over the centuries.

Foreign Relations

Obu has complex relationships with its neighboring countries. Its strong trade partnership with Arnumia has contributed to a positive relationship between the two nations. However, the relationships with Methiumia, Laolisa, and Murgland are more challenging due to geographical barriers and historical tensions.

Agriculture & Industry

Obu's primary industries are trade and commerce. The families of Obu control various markets, including jewelry, armor, food, livestock, weaponry, potions, and magic catalysts. These industries are the backbone of Obu's economy, and they contribute to the wealth and prosperity of the ruling families.

Trade & Transport

Trade is vital to Obu's economy, and the country has established a network of trade routes that crisscross the deserts and mountains. Camels and horses are commonly used for transporting goods, and trade agreements with neighboring countries facilitate the movement of products.


Obu has Castles and fortresses are scattered throughout the land, serving as both centers of power and defense against potential threats. The towns and cities have town halls and courtyards that serve as centers of governance and justice. The walls of the cities provide protection from external dangers.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Obu produces a surplus of its signature trade goods, such as jewelry, armor, weaponry, potions, and magic catalysts. These products are in demand by other nations and contribute significantly to Obu's wealth.
Major Imports
Obu relies on imports for certain goods that cannot be produced within its borders. These may include luxury items from faraway lands and resources that are scarce in the country.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations












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