Obu City, Capital of Obu Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Obu City, Capital of Obu

Obu City is the capital city of Obu, and the place that many of the Families of Obu live. Obu City is a bustling city with many many inhabitants. It has a very large market district and is a huge trading hub with a well-traveled road to its trading port on the western sea border.


Obu City is the capital and largest city of Obu. It is a melting pot of cultures and races, attracting people from all corners of Sarazi due to its thriving trade and commerce.

Industry & Trade

Obu City's economy relies heavily on trade and commerce. The Families of Obu manage various industries, including jewelry, armor, food, livestock, weaponry, potions, tonics, staves, and magic catalysts. The city's bustling ports facilitate maritime trade with neighboring countries.


Obu City boasts impressive infrastructure with grand buildings made of sandstone and marble, reflecting the wealth and power of the Families of Obu. The city is also home to a complex network of canals that facilitate trade and transport.


The city's greatest asset is its strategic location near the western sea, making it a crucial center for maritime trade. Its markets are filled with exotic goods, magical artifacts, and rare treasures from all over Sarazi.


Obu City has a long and storied history, dating back to ancient times when it served as a humble trading post. Over the centuries, it has grown into a bustling metropolis and the epicenter of Obu's wealth and power.

Points of interest

The Grand Palace, a sprawling sandstone structure, is the residence of the ruling Families of Obu. The Merchant's District is a labyrinth of bustling markets and trading stalls, where merchants and buyers from all over Sarazi gather.


Obu City is located on the western coast of Obu, overlooking the western sea. The city enjoys a temperate climate, making it an attractive destination for travelers and traders.

Natural Resources

Obu City's location on the western coast provides access to abundant marine resources, contributing to the city's thriving fishing industry.
Alternative Name(s)
Obu Obu
Owning Organization

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