Orzammar Bittergold Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Orzammar Bittergold

Orzammer Ahem Bittergold

Orzammer Bittergold is the ruler of Methiumia but has only recently taken power. Just over a year ago his father died, placing Orzammer in charge of the kingdom. Although he appears to be strong and well trained he has never had any real military experience besides his own personal training. Being the old king's son the council of Methiumia knows him well although a few of them think he is not ready to lead a kingdom as great as Methiumia.

Mental characteristics


Ozrammer was raised in the kings castle with the highest of teacher and professors at his disposal. He ignored his teachings most of the time and rarely worked on any school work he receive. Even so he is still much smarter than most other lower caste dwarfs.


Orzammed has been quite lazy throughout his life and has mostly only concerned himself with fun and games, rarely learning from his father, the king.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many wouldn’t consider this an achievement but Orzammed takes pride in becoming the new king, even though the only reason he became king was because his father died.
Current Location
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 6"
Aligned Organization


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