Methiumia Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Methiumia is a rocky, mountainous country with very few areas of flat land. It is inhabited by an overwhelming majority of dwarves, and although it may seem small on maps, the land of Methiumia contains a vast empire underground making it much larger than one would first think. There are a few townships and small cities above ground but nearly all of these link to a larger underground system below. Methiumia is mainly used as a mining hotspot thus most of its exports are ore and the like. This country is ruled by King Orzammar Bittergold and his council where all the peoples of Methiumia are born into their caste, causing the poor to remain poor, and the rich to remain rich.  

Border Relations

  Methinuma's northern border is surrounded entirely by the sea while its eastern border is shared by Obu  and its western border is alongside Laolisa. Obu and Methinuma share a few exports but the people of Methinuma keep to themselves causing their relations to be quite low. Methinuma and Laolisa also have a few trade routes from the western border, but because Methinumians are so shut off the royals of Laolisa have started to worry about their current relationship.  


  Nalium is the capital of Methinuma located in the middle of the country.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members





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