The Order of the Silver Guard Military Formation in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Order of the Silver Guard

The Order of the Silver Guard, once a revered group of knights sworn to defend Murgland from supernatural threats, has seen better days. Founded centuries ago when creatures of the deep first emerged onto the land in Enzkland, the Order was created to protect Murgland from potential devastation. Originally composed of the strongest and most skilled knights from various revered organizations across the kingdom, they were united under a single banner to face the looming threat. However, the war they prepared for never materialized, and most knights returned to their original lives as the threat subsided. Over the years, the Order's support dwindled, and its size has drastically shrunk. Today, it is a mere shadow of its former self, operating with a skeleton crew of no more than 60 members, most of whom are only lightly trained. Despite this, they remain vigilant, ever-watchful for signs of supernatural foes that may return to threaten Murgland.



Currently, the Order of the Silver Guard comprises no more than 60 members. The once prestigious and formidable ranks have dwindled, and many of the knights lack the extensive training and experience of their predecessors. The scarcity of skilled knights has resulted in the recruitment of lesser-trained individuals, diluting the once-proud reputation of the Order.


Due to their reduced numbers and resources, the Order's equipment and weaponry have become less extravagant. The new recruits don simple yet durable armor, and their weaponry primarily consists of swords, spears, and crossbows. The enchanted silver blades, a symbol of their order, are imbued with the power to counter supernatural foes. However, the scarcity of resources has made maintaining these weapons a challenge, and not every member possesses such enchanted arms.


The command structure of the Order has scaled down considerably. There is now a single commander, overseeing the operations and strategic decisions of the entire Order. Beneath the commander, lie a few seasoned officers who lead the remaining knights. The organization no longer operates with distinct cohorts or battalions, as its size no longer warrants such a hierarchy.


The requirements for joining the Order have significantly lowered over the years. Members are no longer required to be the most skilled or experienced knights from other organizations. Instead, the Order accepts anyone willing to defend Murgland from supernatural threats, though basic combat skills are still essential. Recruits undergo minimal training compared to the rigorous regime of the past.



The recruitment process no longer involves elaborate rituals or ceremonies. Instead, recruits are enlisted based on their willingness to serve and their basic combat proficiency. There are no longer any rigid qualifications based on gender, height, or nationality, as the Order seeks any willing soul to stand against darkness.


Historically, the Order of the Silver Guard was loyal to the Kingdom of Murgland and its people. They pledged their swords to protect the kingdom from the malevolent creatures and forces that lurked in the shadows. As the kingdom prospered and the threats diminished, the Order's legacy has slowly faded from the collective memory, and its once-glorious history now lies buried beneath the passage of time.

Historical loyalties

In the past, the Order of the Silver Guard played a pivotal role in safeguarding Murgland from supernatural incursions. Their prowess in combating otherworldly adversaries earned them admiration and respect from the populace, becoming a symbol of hope and courage. The Order's heroic deeds were once immortalized in legends and tales of valor, but as their numbers dwindled, their significance in world history waned.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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