Murgland Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Murgland is a very fertile land with most of the countryside being made up of long beautiful continuous plains. Located in the western section of Murgland is The Tree of life, a Tree whose waters are rumored to have great healing capabilities, surrounded by a treacherous river and jungle it is nearly impossible to get to. Located on the Mideast section of the eastern continent, Murgland is bordered completely by the sea on its eastern border. It is substantially a human-inhabited land with a few other races sprinkled in. Murgland is mostly a farming and village populated land governed by The Mur Ministry  

Border Relations

  Murgland is Bordered by the countries of Obu, Naria, and Laolisa. Murgland and Laolisa are big trading partners and thus share a healthy and friendly relationship through commerce and mutual trust. However, Murgland and Naria have very little trust between the two, raiding parties from Naria have been attacking the Murgland city of Sesen and its nearby villages, although the Chief of Naria insists that the raiders are acting independently from Naria. Murgland and Obu have an undeveloped, but stable relationship. They only share one trade route due to the treacherous landscape separating them, thus causing their trade relationship and trust to be quite insignificant.  


  The Port City of Negan is the capital of Murgland and a trading hotspot.


Murgland's culture revolves around simplicity, unity, and a deep connection to the land. The people of Murgland take pride in their agricultural heritage and the bountiful produce they provide for themselves and trade with others. Festivals celebrating the harvest and the fertility of the land are common, bringing communities together in joyous celebrations. The Mur Ministry, as the ruling body, is seen as the symbol of unity and cooperation among the villages and cities. The people have great respect for the representatives, and their decisions are usually accepted with little resistance.

Public Agenda

The main goal of the Mur Ministry is to ensure the prosperity and welfare of Murgland. Their primary focus is on agricultural development, maintaining trade relations with neighboring countries, and fostering a sense of security and safety for the people. Additionally, they aim to protect the environment and preserve the natural beauty of the countryside.


The primary asset of Murgland is its fertile land, which sustains a thriving agricultural industry. The vast plains and fertile soil make it an ideal place for large-scale farming and animal husbandry. The abundance of food and natural resources allows Murgland to trade and prosper.


Murgland was once a collection of separate villages and settlements until it was unified under the leadership of The Mur Ministry. The Ministry played a crucial role in establishing a central government and facilitating trade between villages, transforming Murgland into a prosperous and stable country.

Demography and Population

Murgland is mainly inhabited by humans, but there are also communities of elves and dwarves scattered throughout the land. The villages and towns are close-knit communities, and families often work together on farms or in local industries.


Murgland's territory consists of vast plains, fertile farmlands, and the treacherous river and jungle area surrounding the World Tree in the west. The entire eastern border is a coastline into the ocean, providing opportunities for fishing and maritime trade.


Murgland does not have a centralized military force, and each city and village is responsible for its own security, maintaining city guards for protection. In times of crisis or external threats, representatives from neighboring communities may come together to form a loose alliance for defense.

Foreign Relations

Murgland has a strong trading relationship with Laolisa, and the two countries share mutual respect and trust. However, the relationship with Naria is tense due to the ongoing raiding issues, and there is a lack of trust between the two nations. The relationship with Obu is limited due to the challenging terrain that separates them, but there is potential for further trade cooperation.


Murgland's laws are designed to maintain order and protect the welfare of its citizens. The legal system is relatively simple, with the Mur Ministry overseeing the judiciary. Crimes are addressed through community involvement, where the representatives from each village collaborate to find resolutions.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture is the backbone of Murgland's economy. The fertile plains yield abundant crops of grains, fruits, and vegetables, while livestock farming provides dairy and meat products. Additionally, Murgland engages in limited mining and logging activities for building materials and exports.

Trade & Transport

Negan, Capital of Murgland serves as the primary hub for trade. It boasts a well-developed port, facilitating the import and export of goods through maritime trade routes. The country also relies on land-based trade routes connecting the various villages and cities.


Murgland has well-maintained roads connecting its villages and cities. The Port City of Negan has a bustling port with modern facilities for trading ships. The villages are equipped with communal water wells and basic amenities for their residents. The country is also known for its beautifully crafted windmills and watermills, harnessing the natural resources to support its agricultural activities.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Major Exports
It exports its surplus agricultural products, livestock, and raw materials.
Major Imports
Murgland imports some luxury goods and specialized products from neighboring countries.
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations








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