The Wanderer Myth in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Wanderer


The Wander is said to be a massive creature who towered above high mountains and who used to roam the lands surrounding the ancient city Munstral. It is said that this creature was very benevolent and even helped the natives who lived in Munstral. It is still a mystery to where this creature disappeared to, as well as how the city of Munstral was destroyed.


The Legend of The Wanderer is well known around Ozinland but to the people outside of this country, this creature of myth is not well-known.

Variations & Mutation

Some people believe the tale of the benevolent wanderer, but certain people conclude that The Wanderer itself was responsible for the destruction of Munstral and that it was in fact an evil deity. However, over the years, the tales of the wander have passed from history to fables.

In Art

The Wander was found in many old petroglyphs around Ozinland, this is where the myth is thought to have originated from.
Date of First Recording
Well before the forming of these civilizations


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