Ozinland Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Ozinland is a lush and jungle-filled country, with most of the settlements being located in the heart and in the lower section of the country. It is mostly inhabited by Elves of all types, Grungs, Rakshasa, and Yuan-ti. All of these races live together in the forest in harmony and are extremely integrated with each other. The people of Ozinland are very protective of their forest and will hunt down anything that tries to harm it. Ozinland is a Meritocracy where political power is vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement. This causes the rulers of Ozinland to be in constant flux with a few of the strongest members becoming pillars of The Ozin Assembly. Ozinland's official territory is much larger than just the jungle and even encompasses an island to the west and flat planes to the north. However, The Ozin Assembly doesn't concern themselves or their resources with any issue that doesn't take place in the jungle.  

Border Relations

  Ozinland shares a border with three countries Enzkland, Naria, and Arnumia. Recently Naria has been attacking the fortified city of Wald. These attacks have been launched by DretKag who takes full responsibility for them claiming that the city of Wald rightfully belongs to Naria. Even so The Ozin Assembly does nothing about these attacks because Wald lies on the outskirts of Ozinland, far outside of the jungle. Arnumia and Ozinland share a very friendly relationship. Arnumia is very supportive of Ozinland and the trade routes between the two are extremely beneficial to both sides. Because of this Ozinland thinks very highly of Arnumia and considers them good friends. Ozinland and Enzkland's relationship is very lacking, mainly because of the lack of a real government in Enzkland and because of the danger that the country is filled with, because these things the inhabitants of Ozinland tend to stay away from there.  


  RuaHardt is the Capital city of Ozinland and where the members of The Ozin Assembly meet. Braun and Munstral are the two cities located on Ozinland's island to the south. These cities are said to be long abandoned and this island is generally avoided because of the shallow oceans surrounding it and the vast peaks and valleys located within it. The mountains surrounding Munstral are also fabled to be the home of The Wanderer
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Government System
Legislative Body
The Ozin Assembly rules over Ozinland and creates the laws and rules while also protecting the jungle.
Neighboring Nations






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