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The World's Mouth

The World's Mouth is a foreboding and ominous location nestled in the northeast region of Enzkland. It consists of two colossal chasms that seem to defy all sense of depth and scale. These vast voids, surrounded by twisted and warped land, form a haunting gateway to the unknown. The chasms possess an air of ancient malevolence, inspiring both awe and fear in those who dare to approach. The sheer size of The World's Mouth is awe-inspiring, with the chasms stretching wide and deep into the depths of the earth. Jagged and uneven edges frame the abyss, creating a sense of utter desolation. The chasms are shrouded in perpetual darkness, as if the light itself is swallowed by their depths. The absence of any visible bottom intensifies the feeling of unease, leaving one with an unsettling sense of what lies beneath. The land within The World's Mouth is a twisted and mangled landscape, scarred by the cataclysmic event that birthed these chasms. It is a realm of ruins, where crumbling buildings and clotted streets serve as haunting reminders of a once-thriving city now consumed by chaos. The very fabric of reality seems warped within this forsaken place, with distorted shapes and eerie shadows flickering at the edge of perception. The air within The World's Mouth carries an aura of darkness and mystery, laden with a heavy silence broken only by the occasional eerie whispers and echoing sounds that emanate from its depths. The winds that gust through the chasms carry an unnatural chill, as if the very breath of the abyss caresses the skin with an otherworldly touch. This location instills a deep sense of trepidation and a foreboding presence that can be felt by even the most seasoned of adventurers. The World's Mouth is a testament to the unknown and the terrifying. It is a place where the boundaries of reality seem to blur, and where the Creatures of the Deep, rumored to have emerged from its depths, lurk in a realm that defies comprehension. To approach The World's Mouth is to stand on the precipice of darkness, where ancient secrets and unspeakable horrors await those foolish enough to venture too close.


The World's Mouth, a foreboding location in the northeast section of Enzkland, is composed of two colossal chasms that seem to have no bottom. These immense voids, shrouded in perpetual darkness, inspire a sense of awe and dread. The chasms stretch wide and deep, their jagged edges framing a haunting vista that descends into an abyss from which no light can escape. The sheer scale of the chasms and their unknown depths evoke a sense of primal fear in anyone who dares approach them.


Within The World's Mouth, the ecosystem is an enigma, as little is known about what lies in the depths of the chasms. It is rumored that the Creatures of the Deep may have originated from within these chasms, hinting at the existence of a complex and interconnected subterranean network. The chasms are said to be riddled with tunnels and chambers, suggesting the presence of a hive-like colony or some mysterious underground civilization. The whispers of strange echoes and indistinguishable sounds emanating from the depths further add to the air of mystery surrounding this location.

Localized Phenomena

The World's Mouth is shrouded in a series of eerie phenomena that further heighten its otherworldly aura. Strange whispers and echoing sounds reverberate throughout the chasms, as if the very depths themselves are alive with some unknown force. Occasional gusts of wind, carrying a cold and unsettling presence, whip through the chasms, adding to the ominous atmosphere. Those brave enough to venture close may witness unusual lights or flickering shadows dancing along the edges of the chasms, giving the impression of ethereal entities lurking in the darkness.

Fauna & Flora

The twisted and warped land within The World's Mouth sustains an array of fantastical flora that has adapted to the harsh and gloomy environment. One unique plant species that thrives here is the VoidVine, a creeping vine with luminescent tendrils that emit a pale blue glow, providing a faint source of light within the chasms. These vines cling to the jagged walls, their delicate blossoms resembling stars in the night sky. Another peculiar plant is the Shadow Lotus, a flower with jet-black petals that thrive in the depths, drawing sustenance from the dark energy that permeates the area. These enchanting and haunting plants contribute to the surreal beauty that can be found within this otherwise desolate place.

Natural Resources

The World's Mouth lacks traditional natural resources, as its twisted and warped landscape renders it inhospitable for conventional harvesting or mining. However, it is rumored that rare and unique minerals, infused with otherworldly energies, can be found within the chasms. These mysterious resources, if they exist, hold immense value to those who seek to harness the untapped power of the unknown.


The history of The World's Mouth is intertwined with the city that once stood within its confines. Before the cataclysmic War of Horrors, this city thrived as a hub of trade and prosperity, with bustling streets and grand architecture. However, when the chasms suddenly appeared, the city was swallowed by the devastating forces unleashed. The cataclysm reshaped the land, twisting and warping buildings and streets into a nightmarish labyrinth of ruins. In the aftermath, the surviving remnants of the city became a treacherous maze, where crumbling structures and debris obscured any semblance of its former grandeur. The ruins serve as a haunting reminder of the tragedy that befell the city, with skeletal remains of buildings standing as grim sentinels of the past. The land within The World's Mouth became a forsaken realm, feared and avoided by most, as the chasms and their unknown depths harbored secrets and horrors that few dared to face.

Eyewitness account author - unknown

  I cannot begin to describe the sheer terror that gripped me as I peered into the seemingly bottomless chasms of The World's Mouth. The abyss stared back at me, as if beckoning me to explore its dark and unknown depths. Driven by a mix of curiosity and a foolhardy sense of adventure, I descended into the twisted and warped land that lay within. The air grew heavy and oppressive as I navigated the labyrinthine ruins, my footsteps echoing through the desolate streets. The remnants of what was once a thriving city now stood as haunting specters, a macabre display of the destructive forces that had ravaged this place. Shadows danced in the corners of my vision, and I felt an ever-present sense of being watched. As I delved deeper into the ruins, the very fabric of reality seemed to fray. Unnatural shapes and distorted figures writhed at the periphery of my vision, disappearing whenever I turned to face them. The air grew colder, and an otherworldly chill gnawed at my bones. It was as if the chasms themselves were alive, pulsating with an ancient and malevolent energy. I stumbled upon a shattered temple, its once magnificent architecture now reduced to crumbling stone. Within its decaying walls, I beheld a sight that will forever haunt my nightmares. An altar, adorned with cryptic symbols and covered in a thick layer of dust, exuded an aura of darkness that seemed to seep into my very soul. I felt an overwhelming compulsion to flee, sensing that I had trespassed upon something forbidden and unspeakable. As I made my hasty retreat, the ruins seemed to shift and contort, their twisted forms mocking my feeble attempts to escape. The oppressive atmosphere weighed upon me, as if the very essence of this forsaken place conspired to keep me within its grasp. Only by sheer luck and the desperate strength of survival did I manage to claw my way back to the surface, leaving behind the horrors of The World's Mouth. I share this account not as a warning, but as a testament to the incomprehensible terrors that dwell within those fathomless chasms. The Creatures of the Deep, rumored to have emerged from the depths of The World's Mouth, possess a malevolence that defies comprehension. They lurk in the shadows, their grotesque forms a testament to the darkest recesses of the imagination. To venture into their realm is to court death and madness, a fate that I narrowly escaped. Let this account serve as a reminder to all who are tempted to probe the mysteries of The World's Mouth – some secrets are better left undisturbed.


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