Enzkland Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Enzkland is a barren wasteland characterized by vast ravines, craters, and cliffs littered everywhere around it. Once a vibrant and lush jungle, Enzkland suffered a devastating fate over a hundred years ago during the The War of Horrors Eldritch monsters were unleashed upon the land, transforming it into a barren wasteland. It is now not much more than a wasteland. Enzkland is not home to many and most sane people tend to avoid it entirely due to the dangers lurking within. However, there are a few small settlements scattered throughout the country, along with a fortified city nestled at its heart.  

Border Relations

  Enzkland borders the three neighboring countries of Naria, Ozinland, and Murgland While Enzkland and Naria are quite neutral to each other, , the horrors that plague Enzkland and the presence of the The Creatures of the Deep deter Naria raiding parties from venturing into the wasteland. Over 100 years ago Ozinland and Enzkland were one country, but after The War of Horrors they separated into two, now the people of Ozinland keep to their side of the mountain range and avoid anything that comes out of this place, associating it with darkness and fear. Murgland  and Enzkland share a very small border and one that is covered in cliffs and boulders, essentially isolating the two countries from each other, however, some Murgland towns near the border have had some reports of strange sightings leading some to believe that these phenomena originate from Enzkland.  


  There are very few cities in Enzkland but one of the biggest, and only cities located within its borders is the capital city of Tutendorf.  The city's imposing walls provide a measure of protection against the dangers lurking beyond, while its inhabitants struggle to eke out a living amidst the barrenness.


Enzkland's organization structure reflects the scarcity of population and resources within the country. it was previously ruled by The Warden Bently, the sole ruler and overseer of Enzkland. However, Following the demise of the Warden, Enzkland's organization structure crumbled, giving way to an anarchic rule within the capital city of Tutendorf. The city is now governed by two young girls, Bella and Kim, who have seized control and treat the capital as an anarchic domain. With no formal hierarchy in place, Bella and Kim exercise their authority in an arbitrary manner, ruling with an iron fist. Bella and Kim hold absolute power within the city, making decisions based on their whims and desires. They do not adhere to any established responsibilities or obligations associated with a traditional organizational structure. The two girls maintain a tight circle of loyal followers, who enforce their rule and carry out their commands. The lack of structure and law has resulted in a city where chaos reigns and survival becomes a constant struggle. Under Bella and Kim's rule, Tutendorf has become a hotbed of lawlessness and unpredictability. The city lacks a coherent system of governance, leading to widespread corruption, rampant crime, and an atmosphere of fear. The anarchy perpetuated by Bella and Kim's rule has further deepened the divide between Enzkland and the neighboring countries. The chaotic nature of the capital city has solidified the fears and suspicions harbored by Naria, Ozinland, and Murgland, making them even more reluctant to engage with Enzkland. The absence of a stable leadership structure has left Enzkland isolated, with its people struggling to survive in the harsh and lawless wasteland.


The culture of Enzkland is shaped by the harsh and unforgiving nature of its environment. The people have developed a rugged resilience and self-reliance in order to survive the dangers that surround them. Courage and resourcefulness are highly valued traits, as the inhabitants must constantly confront the perils of the wasteland. Stories and legends of The War of Horrors permeate the culture, serving as cautionary tales and reminders of the devastating consequences that can befall the land.


Enzkland has not experienced disbandment as an organization although it has changed greatly in the recent years. The country, although sparsely populated and fraught with dangers, was recently a functioning entity under the rule of the Warden. The challenges faced by Enzkland had forged a sense of unity and determination among its inhabitants, ensuring the country's survival despite its inhospitable conditions. However, With the death of the Warden, the centralized authority that held Enzkland together collapsed, leading to a state of disarray and chaos. The absence of a strong leadership figure resulted in the dissolution of the organized structure that had previously governed Enzkland. The disbandment occurred amidst the already inhospitable conditions of the wasteland, further exacerbating the challenges faced by its inhabitants.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Neighboring Nations






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