The World Tree Building / Landmark in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The World Tree

Not much is widely known about the world tree to foreigners outside of the Laolisan empire but it is fabled to be the source of mystical power and the sole cause of the supernatural effects taking place in the countryside surrounding it. The elves who live in Laolisa hold it in high regard and treat it almost like a religious symbol. Most everyone avoids the area surrounding it due to the intense power and danger it is thought to create.

The World Tree Today

In the present day, the World Tree remains a place of wonder and intrigue. Many view it with a mix of awe and fear, believing that it holds the potential for great good or unimaginable calamity. The sanctuary established by the elves of Laolisa continues to welcome visitors from across the world, offering a place of contemplation and spiritual awakening.

Special Properties

Legend of Healing Waters

It is believed that the waters of the World Tree possess miraculous healing properties. Those who are fortunate enough to drink from its sacred pool are said to be cured of ailments, injuries, and even diseases. This legend has drawn countless individuals seeking to restore their health or that of their loved ones.

The Treacherous River and Jungle

The World Tree is not easily accessible, as it is surrounded by a treacherous river filled with dangerous currents and hidden hazards. Additionally, the dense jungle that surrounds the tree is filled with exotic creatures and plants, making it a perilous journey for anyone attempting to reach the sacred site.

Guardians of the World Tree

The elves of Laolisa consider themselves the guardians of the World Tree, and they have established a small sanctuary nearby. The sanctuary serves as a place of meditation and worship, where pilgrims and followers of the elven faith come to pay their respects to the sacred tree.


The origin of the World Tree is shrouded in myth and legend. According to ancient tales, it is said to be a divine creation, a gift from the gods to protect and nurture the land. The elves of Laolisa hold it in high regard and consider it a religious symbol. Over the centuries, pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers have sought to uncover the secrets of the World Tree, but many have been lost to the dangers that surround it.

The Curse of the World Tree

Legends also speak of a curse associated with the World Tree. It is said that those who disrespect the sacred site or attempt to exploit its powers for selfish gain will be met with misfortune and dire consequences. This has deterred many from approaching the World Tree without the utmost reverence.

The Calling of the World Tree

Some believe that the World Tree calls out to certain individuals, drawing them closer with an inexplicable yearning. These chosen ones are said to possess a connection to the mystical energies of the tree and are destined to play a significant role in the world's fate.

The Elusive Mysteries

Despite numerous attempts to unravel the secrets of the World Tree, much of its true nature remains unknown. Scholars and sages study ancient texts and myths, hoping to decipher the origin and purpose of this mystical entity. Some believe that the World Tree is a portal to other realms or that it holds the key to unlocking untold power.
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