Laolisa Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Laolisa is located in the northeast corner of the eastern continent and is inhabited primarily by Elves with many groups of fairies living near the southwest edge. Laolisa is equally covered by cityscapes and lush sprawling countrysides, full of hills, small forests, and The World Tree. The territory of Laolisa also covers an island to the north. This island has only a few small villages near the shoreline and is mostly uninhabited. early on in the history of Loalisa, the rulers tried to construct more settlements there but soon after many settling parties went missing the task was abandoned. The current ruler of Laolisa is King Esho Bayo and the royal Bayo family.  

Border Relations

Laolisa lies on the border of three different countries, Murgland, Obu, and Methiumia. Murgland and Laolisa have a very good relationship, built on trade and trust they both share mutual respect and would be willing to help each other in any conflict that could be mutually beneficial. However, Laolisa still looks down on other countries, including Murgland . Methiumia and Laolisa lack a relationship completely, mainly because the inhabitants of Methiumia are very secluded and keep to themselves. Nevertheless, Laolisa is very suspicious of Methiumia and even though a vast mountain range separates the two Laolisa is still unsure of their intentions. Laolisa's relationship with Obu is fueled by trade and a mutual expectation to leave each other alone. But because of Laolisa untrusting nature, they are still apprehensive of Obu and its people.


  The Capital of Laolisa is Boubayo located in the upper east corner.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members






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