Tiger Lily Species in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily's are regarded to the tribes of Ozinland as sacred beasts, to harm one is a grievous sin most often met with death. Tribes that make offerings of fruit and meat to the Tiger Lily may gain its favor, allowing the tribe to reside peacefully in the Tiger's territory. Most often located in dense forests and jungles these creatures are dangerously cunning and elusive, it is said they travel in interwoven patterns to confuse and disorient any foolish enough to track it. When a Tiger Lily becomes threatened it will let loose a mighty roar, summoning the creatures of the forest to defend it.  

Rare Flowers

  The Tiger Lily's flowers have significant medicinal use and are often sought after by alchemists for use in rare potions and tinctures. The essence of the flower helps in suppressing aggressive tendencies in individuals and helps in holistic healing, relieving the user of injury, and even effects such as sleep, charm, rage and many other conditions. Some will stop at nothing to acquire these powerful ingredients, often sending adventurers to slay the majestic creatures and acquire their flowers.  


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