Zaodoshi Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Zaodoshi is a melting pot of cultures and races due to its strategic location on the southern edge of the biggest lake in Obu. Humans, elves, Yuan-Ti, and even some nomadic tribes have settled here, making it a diverse and cosmopolitan city.

Industry & Trade

Trade is the lifeblood of Zaodoshi, and the city is known for its extensive merchant guilds and trade houses. It serves as a major hub for both overland and waterborne trade, with goods flowing in and out of the city's well-established markets.


The city of Zaodoshi is known for its stunning sandstone and marble architecture. The buildings are intricately designed, featuring beautiful carvings and sculptures. The city also boasts a well-developed system of canals and bridges that crisscross the lake.


Zaodoshi is a bustling trade city, attracting merchants and traders from all over Sarazi. It is famous for its precious gemstones, exotic textiles, and rare magical artifacts.


Zaodoshi's history dates back centuries to its humble beginnings as a fishing village on the shores of the lake. Over time, it grew in prosperity and influence, becoming a vital trade city in Obu.

Points of interest

The Great Bazaar of Zaodoshi is a sprawling marketplace where traders from all corners of the world converge. It is a riot of colors, sounds, and smells, offering a vast array of goods and curiosities.


Zaodoshi is situated on the southern edge of a massive lake, providing the city with easy access to water-based trade. Surrounding the lake are vast desert plains that offer resources for trade and commerce.

Natural Resources

The city's proximity to the lake provides abundant freshwater, and the surrounding desert offers valuable minerals, herbs, and exotic flora used in the city's various industries.

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