Advocates of Xenon Organization in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Advocates of Xenon


Religion and School devoted to the Collection and Worship of Knowledge Itself.


Curious about all things and how everything is and came to be, what all things are and how they were made, how they work and for what purpose were they created.

Public Agenda

To Collect, Hoard, and Consume Knowledge of all things.


Knowledge on almost all things, despite not caring for gold and silver they are known to be rather wealthy thanks to being the hub for where all knowledge comes and goes, they are known to make deals with both the good and evil in exchange for highly sought after knowledge.

Divine Origins

The Advocates of Xenon came to be when a group of Astralists became captivated by Xenon's Goals and Desires and decided to branch from the primary religion in order to follow Xenon entirely. Building a Library in order to contain the knowledge they gathered, they quickly grew as one of the first Sects of Astralism.

Cosmological Views

The World was created by Isnam for Xenon so he could have a world for which to experiment on and observe the actions of humans and beasts.

Tenets of Faith

To Know all things and to gather all knowledge under the gaze of Xenon

Granted Divine Powers

At 1st level learn one extra language of your choice. (Excludes Knowledge Cleric)


The Cult of Forbidden Knowledge is a Smaller group beneath the main sect that prefers to gather dark and dangerous knowledge and hide it from outsiders, even going as far as to steal knowledge from the main sect. Despite their good intentions they are Heavily despised and ridiculed by their Advocate Brethren.

To Know All

Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Followers of the White Moon, School of Knowledge
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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