Cult of Forbidden Knowledge Organization in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Cult of Forbidden Knowledge


Sect and Cult devoted to the Protection and Isolation of Forbidden and Dangerous Knowledge.


Determined to collect and contain all dangerous knowledge and prevent it from falling into the hands of those who would use it for Evil.

Public Agenda

To Secure, Contain, and Protect all Dangerous Knowledge.


Unlike their more open brothers, the Cult of Forbidden Knowledge doesnt share knowledge even for a fee and anyone who tries to sell forbidden knowledge will be promptly executed or lobotomized.

Divine Origins

The Cult of Forbidden Knowledge came to be when an Advocate became aware that the advocates' hunger for knowledge had become dangerous as they had begun collecting dangerous knowledge. The Advocate stole away the forbidden books and hid them in an abandoned fort, building a library in order to contain this dangerous knowledge for fear that it may fall into irresponsible hands given time. The cultist quickly found others with similar views and they as a group decided to band together and secure, contain, and protect all knowledge that may threaten society given put in the wrong hands.

Cosmological Views

The World was created by Isnam for Xenon so he could have a world for which to experiment on and observe the actions of humans and beasts.

Tenets of Faith

To gather and contain dangerous knowledge for the exclusive gaze of Xenon.

Granted Divine Powers

You Permanently gain the Modify Memory Spell.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Knowledge Thieves, The Forbidden Sect
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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