Central City Settlement in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Central City

Central City was the first place Humans were exposed to on Sarvrithash, with an abundance of materials the city quickly consumed them and became the most well known city in Sarvrithash, home to some of the biggest events and guilds it is a must see for any adventurer as well as an amazing trading hub for aspiring Merchants.


The City is home to people of all different races, ethnicities and wealth classes, as well as being one of the rare few spots to find Succubi outside of the Aphrodisiac Alps.


The Central City is run by a Council similar to a modern city council, who oversee the city's laws, taxes, and building infrastructure. However they rely on Adventurers to keep the city running, literally.


Central City is powered by a giant, factory sized Aurelic-powered Generator that sits beneath the primary keep in the northern sector of the city.


Central City contains a vast array of goods and merchants from all across Sarvrithash, from Dragonscale Armour sourced from the northwest, to Blueberry Juice sourced in the southwest.
Alternative Name(s)
Et ex urbe Astral

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