Steel Appeal Building / Landmark in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Steel Appeal

Welcome to the Steel Appeal, where the deals are hot and the iron is hotter.   The Steel Appeal is a blacksmith located in central city run by a human man named Gerald Archer and his half-elf ex-wife Mavis Archer.   The Steel Appeal is a double story building with stone bricks walling the lower floor and wooden walls on the upper floor.   General Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Stock
Basic Dagger 2gp 1d4 piercing 1lb Simple, finesse, light, thrown (20/60) 8
Woodcutting Axe 5gp 1d6 slashing 2lb Simple, light, thrown (20/60) 2
Guard's Spear 1gp 1d6 piercing 3lb Simple, thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8) 6
Crude Battleaxe 9gp 1d8 slashing 4lb Martial, versatile (1d10) 1
Ornate Glaive 24gp 1d10 slashing 6lb Martial, heavy, reach, two-handed 1
Monstrous Flail 10gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2lb Martial 2
Iron Morningstar 15gp 1d8 piercing 4lb Martial 1
Elegant Shortsword 11gp 1d6 slashing 2lb Martial, finesse, light 4
Hunter's Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Stock
Dual Slicers (DB) 30gp (50gp) 1d6 slashing 4lb Martial, finesse, light, comes with a main & offhand weapon 1
Buster Sword (GS) 50gp (80gp) 2d6 slashing 10lb Martial, heavy, two-handed 2
Thunder Hammer (H) 120gp (165gp) 2d6 bludgeoning 12lb Martial, heavy, two-handed, +2 lightning damage 1
Booster Wings (TF) 25gp (40gp) 1d6 bludgeoning 6lb Martial, light, comes with a main & offhand weapon 1

Purpose / Function

In 1243 Gerald purchased an old warehouse in the south of the shopping district, 2 years before his family's fall from their noble rank, as a way to get away from the grind of high life and enjoy the smaller things, making simple tools for the common folk and weapons for the guards. later on when his family fell apart due to a controversy with the heads of the house Gerald took up residence in the upper floor of his ramshackle workshop, using the last of his wealth to fix up the place and take the role full time as blacksmith of what would now be known as the Steel Appeal.


The Steel Appeal began as an old warehouse used to store grains and wheat before it was bought by Gerald, who turned it into a basic workshop where he would practice his craft and sell simple tools he had made. Later on Gerald would spruce up the place, splitting the building into an upper and lower floor and replacing the lower floor's walls and floors with stone bricks, building a forge into the back room and a small store-front to sell his wares, while making the upper floor a basic living area for himself and his ex-wife whom he had given temporary residence after the family's collapse.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Archer Smith
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
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