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The city of Daggerford got its name from an incident that happened about 400 years ago. A wagon master sent his son ahead of the family wagon one evening to locate a safe passage across the Shining River. The boy located a ford, but was surprised and attacked by a party of lizard men. The lad slew six of the creatures with his only weapon, a dagger, and held off the rest until reinforcements from the wagon arrived.   This may be pure fancy or exact truth or something in between. The dukes of Daggerford claim to be direct descendents of that boy on the ford. The arms of the duke are represented by a bloody silver dagger on a blue field.   When the elves of the Fallen Kingdom left for less crowded spaces, a new kingdom sprang up, known now as the Kingdom of Man. It was during that period that the dukes of Daggerford gained their titles and rights to all the lands bordered by the estate of Floshin on the north, the Lizard Marsh on the west, Dragonspear Castle on the south, and the Misty Forest on the east. At times, the dukes have actively controlled the entire area, but these days they do not.   About a century after the dynastic war which destroyed the Kingdom of Man, the duke's subjects began building their shops and homes outside the castle proper, closer to the Delimbiyr (Shining) River. After a couple of problem-free centuries passed, the town became essentially independent from the castle, although a common wall surrounded them both.   For hundreds of years, the duke of Daggerford still controlled the town, but it was given its own charter by Duke Conan 50 years ago. The current duke, young Pwyll Greatshout, seems to have no inclination to revoke the charter. The town itself is run by the Council of Guilds.   In a self-conscious imitation of the Lords of Waterdeep, the members of the Council of Guilds attend meetings in masks and never reveal their identities to the populace. However, the population of the town is too small for true secrecy. Everyone knows that the guildmasters are the members of the Council of Guilds.   The guilds of Daggerford are not as formal as those of larger cities. There is the Smith’s Guild, Merchant’s Guild, Tanner's Guild, Farmer’s Guild, Waterman's Guild, Riverman's Guild and Taverner's Guild, among others. The chief priests of the town's three main religions (Chauntea, Lathander, and Tymora) are also members of the Council of Guilds. By the wording of the town charter, the duke is not a member, but the head of the militia, who happens to be the duke's master at arms, is a member.


Dwarves, Halflings, HUmans


Council of Guilds


By agreement with the duke, the town maintains its own militia, trained by Duke Pwyll’s soldiers. Every healthy human resident of the town between 15 and 35 is required to be a member of the militia. Halflings between 22 and 60, dwarves between 35 and 120, gnomes between 50 and 250, and elves between 150 and 500 must also serve 20 years in the militia. Only pregnant women and mothers with young children are excused, and then only until the children are five years old. The territory around Daggerford is occasionally besieged by evil invaders, and everyone must be ready to defend their homes and lives.   Even transients of the right age find themselves either training with the militia or asked to leave the town. If a person stays longer than two weeks, a militia soldier shows up at his residence to induct him. Of course, the person can try to evade this duty, but in a town the size of Daggerford, this is difficult. Anyone can avoid the duty by paying the expenses of another militiaman, but most residents would rather spend the time than the money.   Those living in outlying areas are also expected to have militia training and duty. This is mainly accomplished by local musters, usually at the estate of a local baron or the common of a hamlet. Representatives of the Daggerford militia ride out to the muster and help with the training.   New militia recruits are taught to ride and to use a spear. Each militiaman is given one spear and one suit of studded leather armor. If the armor is ruined in any way, the militiaman must replace it. Spears are replaced free.   Militia duty is actually quite light, except in times of trouble. Militia members must show up for training at least one day per month. Some come more often and gain proficiency earlier than their peers. The militia is split up into various troops, and these troops meet on different days. Generally, one of the soldiers will be training while more experienced ones are on guard duty.   Militia troops must stand guard three days out of the month, acting as both a street patrol and wall guard. Usually, at least two veteran troops are on duty on any given day, while the new troops train and help the veterans.   Militia training is sufficient to bring a character up to the 1st level of experience. Militia members can also gain further experience in the performance of their duties, as will be seen. Militia members are not just fighters. The general success of adventuring organizations has taught the village elders that all walks must participate in the defense of the area, so clerics and magic users, too, are pressed into militia service. Thieves, monks, assassins, and the like are considered to be fighters for the purposes of the militia.   Any militiaman who can afford such weapons as maces and swords is trained in their use by the duke's master at arms, Sir Llewellyn Longhand. He also provides advanced training in swords and riding to the minor nobility. The duke's master of the hunt, Kelson Darktreader, gives instruction in bows and other hunting weapons to those with talent.   The main problem of the militia is hanging on to its veteran members. If they gain any significant expertise, the veterans start thinking about hiring out as mercenaries to Waterdeep or to the caravan masters. Or they might start thinking about doing a little adventuring of their own.   All militia equipment aside from spears and armor must be supplied by the militia member. The militia has the use of medium horses owned by the town. The town must be repaid for the loss of a horse, either with money or with extra militia service. Militia members who die in the line of duty will be raised from the dead if possible, but there is only one priest in Daggerford with this ability. Veteran militia members have priority for raise dead.   Militiamen who participate in combat or other hazardous missions are entitled to split any loot they obtain among them. The town is entitled to buy any magical items deemed necessary for the wellbeing of the town. Militiamen who train other militiamen are paid a fee of 5 sp per day of training times their level. Note that 1st level militiamen cannot train other militiamen


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