
Dave needed therapy. In 1955 he was seventeen and the court sentenced him to therapy after he, in self-defence, burst a man's testicle sack with a 2x4 in the alley behind a popular night spot he had used a fake ID to get into. He met with a therapist after work for a late appointment and while waiting in the lobby met a guy in his 20's. Devilishly handsome, dangerous vibe, confident, moves like a hunting cat. Just Dave's type. But dear Lucas was oblivious, like he had never even considered men as a sexual partner. Society forced him to be quiet, called him an abomination. But he wasn't a monster, he just felt that guys were better than girls.

Dave spoke to Lucas. Flirted, truth be told. But Lucas was oblivious so Dave just decided to try to be friendly. It took months but Lucas became Dave's best friend. Dave had no idea that Lucas was anything other than a normal, somewhat staid, guy until he was sitting on the stage and saw Lucas in the audience as the guy called Hiram said they were Vampires.

Lucas and Dave spoke through that evening. Anytime anyone even sat down, Lucas handed them a coin like Dave had never seen and they moved on. Dave was shell-shocked. Lucas didn't pitch vampirism though. He pitched acceptance of any and all urges, from a group that played and dabbled in everything and so judged no one. Lace, satin, and silk in the ballroom and leather, latex, and silicone in the bedroom. Lucas didn't judge him for his "deviance" and said that no one else would either. He even pointed out others he might enjoy dalliances with. Dave was all in.

Second Chile of Lucas

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1960 AD -407 Years old


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