
A genteel but stern vampire often seen as a closed book, unyielding and resolved. It's often best to stay out of his way, as he radiates a controlled violence. The common street-cant says all Daeva are passionate and driven by their desires - but not all passion and desire is lust. Lucas keeps a tight rein on his beast and distracts himself with politics and social maneuvering, but something happened to him in the War for Chicago. He saw something, did something, that he never discusses with anyone. It's a secret that not even the slyest Mekhet has pried loose. Whatever it was, it changed him. Lucas became steel-hardened and corpse-cold in his dealings. A century of tight control and dedicated training later, and even Bjarne hesitates to cross him.


Family Ties

The first Childe of Valerie. Embraced in 1880 with the other first Childer, he was brought into the All-Night Society because he was a pretty face. He finished his fledgling training in 1910, but continued the relationship he had with his sire until 1928, slowly growing more distant. Valerie was a social debutante who could hold her own in a duel but he was forced to really fight in the War for Chicago. He didn't duel, he brawled and killed and slaughtered alongside Charlie and Cyrus and impressed them with his skill. By the time the war was done, Lucas had changed too much for Valerie's tastes and the two had broken up. In the '50's Valerie and Lucas repaired their relationship, and they've fallen into a normal Sire-Childe relationship, but they've never been as close as before the War.

Lucas has a few siblings, but is an emotionally closed-off man.

Lucas has a few childer and many more grandchilder and the like. He is closer to them than to the rest of the bloodline.

In 1920, at the tender age of 40, he Embraced as instructed to bolster the Native's efforts in the War for Chicago. He chose to Embrace his way however and made a deal with the patriarch of a wealthy industrialist, whose wealth at the time was obscene, to ensure that his family name never dies in exchange for funds for the war effort. In return he Embraced the man's daughter, a society debutante and barely in her majority. Lucas got the funds, without laying another "soldier" at Hiram's feet, and thought himself very clever. He was a distant sire but a good one. Victoria still seeks his approval.

Lucas waited for a while before Embracing again. He found a friend among humanity and when the two had been friends for years, paid the Headhunters to take the man for the Meat Market. Lucas won the bidding and his friend Dave became his second Childe in 1960. With two childer before his first century had ended, Lucas was a force to be reckoned with.

Forty years later, with Dave beginning to establish himself and Victoria well set for her future, Lucas was again alone. In 1999, Lucas mentally prepared for the end of the world, leaving him adrift when it disappointingly continued on like nothing was supposed to happen. That next Meat Market, in 2000, Lucas Embraced again, taking Diana as his Childe. The strange thing was that they only spoke for a moment when Lucas was given an incentive to move along, but she chose him anyway.



Older Sibling

Towards Michael



Younger Sibling

Towards Lucas



Older Sibling

Towards Evan



Younger Sibling

Towards Lucas



Older Sibling

Towards Alice



Younger Sibling

Towards Lucas


First-Sired Daeva Childe of Valerie

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1880 AD -327 Years old
Michael (Younger Sibling)
Evan (Younger Sibling)
Alice (Younger Sibling)
Aligned Organization


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