
Diana is a fledgling, Embraced in 2000 by Lucas, but is well thought of by the other fledglings from that year. She's not the airhead she pretended to be, and her story of thinking the Meat Market was a prank is disarming and charming - usually just what she needs to manipulate someone into doing what her Sire needs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Diana was chosen seemingly at random by the headhunters. Just a normal college girl in the year 2000. When the curtain came back and the lights came up, the blood rushing in her ears was deafening. She was one of many pretty girls sitting that stage. She heard the whole "Vampires are Real" schtick from the guy at the podium and spoke with several strange people. She figured she was being pranked.

You see, Diana's sorority sisters and best friends had been stupid teenagers not that long ago, and had played with a Ouija board in an "abandoned" house in Chicago some years back. One girl asked if there was a guy that would change any of their lives. The girls wanted their own Prince Charming. The answers they got were "Yes," "Diana," and a name. "Lucas."

So she played along. Sarcastically showing interest in each clan and faction and covenant, asking questions to explore how well thought out this farce was. Then at the end she was asked to choose a Sire from those she spoke with. She didn't remember any names, and did what no mortal had done before, she asked questions.

"So, like, is everyone here a Vampire?" She inquired sweetly but used her dumbest valley-girl accent. When Hiram nodded, she continued "Oh my god, like, I get to choose?" Again Hiram nods. Frustrated that her friends haven't burst out to reveal the prank as a prank and scared it might be real, she doubles down. "Well, the ouija board said 'Lucas' so, like, I am totes gonna choose Lucas, yass!" She giggled like an airhead.

Man, was she shell-shocked when it wasn't a prank, there was a Lucas, and she was led away. Twenty years later, she's still learning the ins and outs of being a vampire, and is coming to grips with her agelessness as her best friends fight a losing battle.

Lucas's 3rd embraced Childe

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Year of Birth
2000 AD -447 Years old


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