Emma's Herd

A group of women, girls really, previously enslaved by an inn that caters to Vampires, known colloquially through Venice as the Fangs Inn, who were stolen by Emma Valgard as she first began her time in Venice in December of 1552.


The group has no structure, no real leadership, and most of that is because of time. The group is too new.


Emma's herd has no shared culture, the seven girls can barely communicate basic tasks to each other and few speak the same language. This has led to isolationist cliques based on language barriers and perceived slights stemming from those barriers. The most honest thing one could say is that Emma's Herd's only culture is practiced immaturity by broken girls.


Teodor has agreed to tailor each girl a warddrobe of clothing, workable clothes mostly, for a hefty price.

Aside from that, the girls have nothing but ragged clothing and a nice chemise provided by Teodor's people.


During her stay in Venice Emma stopped a large woman from beating her pet human, Grace. Emma stopped the act with a lot of power and unfortunately the kitchen girls witnessed it. Rather than leave witnesses, or kill these girls, Emma took them on as her own personal herd.

Secret, Sisterhood


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