Harvest Feast

The Harvest Feast is held on April 1st every year. Attendance is not mandatory for any mortal or demi-mortal of the Princedom, and it is in fact discouraged. Attendance is mandatory for all Vampires, who must bring one...guest. The individual in question is someone who is among the bottom of the barrel of society and actively troubling another member of the Princedom.

The Prince reserves the right to throw anyone out of the party, and it is a party until the very end. A few hours before dawn each Vampire introduces their guest. After the last guest is introduced, Hiram pardons certain people he feels no need to cull from mortal society and throws them out of the party. When the last guest is ejected, Hiram raises a glass, the only one in the room, and gives a toast to being monsters. At that point all the Vampires drink, but only to the edge of death.

When each Vampire has had their fill of blood, the barely living individuals are Dominated and made to forget. Then they are remanded to the Changelings to do whatever it is they do. No one has discovered any bodies, and everyone agrees that it is best not to ask too many questions.

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