
As mentioned in other articles, Chicagoland is a City. But it is not just any City, after the near-total destruction of the City of Detroit, Chicagoland is the City in the American Great Lakes Region. Chicagoland is the Prince's realm, and he has the City of Chicago as his Fiefdom. He has named regents to the thirteen fiefdoms and six marches which contribute to his lands.

The Princedom of Chicagoland is a curious entity among the Vampiric city-states, as it is simultaneously the largest and most diversified Princedom that retains its singular rulership. The Prince of the City is Hiram, a deadly and anachronistically styled Nosferatu of a peculiar lineage - the Azerkatil.

The city abides by its Laws of Chicagoland, and regularly publishes a "fiction" book called A Guide to Chicagoland...For Vampires!. While this seems like it obviously breaks the first tradition of the Masquerade, it has actually allowed Hiram to sweep any seemingly paranormal activity related to Vampires as being hoaxes pulled off by members of the "vampire" subculture playing on the ideas in a silly book meant to illustrate Chicago and its night-time environs.

Strengthening the Masquerade in this way has meant that Chicagoland has developed in unique ways. It has its own aptly named currency, with its own denominations, printed on strange metals in a very odd pairing of blood magic, otherworldly metallurgy, and more from the Other denizens of Chicagoland. Chicagoland has its own traditions like the Meat Market or Party of the Decade as well as the strangely vicious Harvest Feast. And as mentioned before, Chicagoland's leadership is stable even with the introduction of new city-based factions beyond the globe-spanning Covenants.

But the strangest aspect of Chicagoland is that it co-exists with three other supernatural societies! These three societies abide by their own traditions, but use a common economy and currency. These societies have their own addendums to the Laws, which Vampires are expected to respect but not obey in exchange for them doing the same. And these three have agreed to a mutual peace and protection pact, outlined by the laws and enforced by the council made up of the rulers of each society, of which Hiram is counted first among equals.


The Prince reigns supreme, assisted by the three party Parliament and a Council of Regents. Nevertheless, the Prince retains full governmental authority, and no given organization can act without the Prince's express written consent.

The Clans and Covenants all have representatives to the Parliament, and the Councilors who make up the Parliament are invested with a number of votes equal to the number of organizations they represent. According to the Laws, any Councilor may be impeached at any time by a popular vote of its constituent group. The Parliament meets every three months to discuss and debate the Laws of Chicagoland and offer up amendments and new statutes to the Prince, who is barred from being part of Parliament. However, the Parliament does not pass or enforce laws - they exist to find the most harmonious/least disruptive rulings and advise the Prince on specific wording, as such things matter.

The Regents, who enact and enforce the laws of the Prince in their demesnes, advise the Prince on the implementation elements of any decree, but do not have the ability to repeal them.


In a word? Unique. The Chicagoland Princedom thrives on its own version of 'hip' culture. Because of the usage of its own currency, Supernaturally-owned businesses operate within the city. Because of the businesses, the culture of the Princedom is self-driven, independent but parallel to human culture and borrowing elements from it. None of the businesses sell anywhere but in person, and have no internet presence, so mortal society is hard-pressed to borrow any elements of the stranger fashions that crop up in Chicago.

Public Agenda

The Prince has made it abundantly clear in correspondence with other Princedoms that his domain is a safe haven for all of the Undead. "Break no laws in my City," he says, "and I won't break you. I don't care why you came or who seeks you. You are safe here." It's a reassuring message, and many Vampires every year take it.

Adding to the Safe Harbor factor is another matter of policy - The Embrace. The Prince not only encourages and legitimizes the Embrace of new Vampires, but considers it a matter of survival to rebuild Clans thought dead. No one knows why, but most doubt charity. Most other Princes also count their lucky stars that Hiram hasn't found one of the Dead Julii. With him it would only be a matter of time until they once again reigned over everyone. However, since that's not happened yet, Chicago is still the place for a Clan in trouble to rebuild their strength.

Agriculture & Industry

Founding Date
Friday the 13th, October, 1871.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
Major Imports
Subsidiary Organizations
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Related Species
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