
Hua is not the moody vampire like her siblings. She revels in her nature much like a Daeva and enjoys her vampirism. She also has the most Dhampyr children. Hua's first brood is already in it's third generation, and she takes pride in the dark beauty of "her girls" and the brooding handsomeness of "her boys". Her pride in her Dhampyr children and her love of making them is such that she moves havens and becomes 'mom' again every 30 years. When she does her cycle, she reveals her "secret" - a long time ago she was granted immortality. The gifts her children bear are the hope for the future, and that by loving and guiding them she arranges for a better future. She arranges marriages and works hard to maintain their lives, using a web of families to build businesses and strengthen community ties.

Hua has Embraced twice, and each time she chooses the prettiest and the best of her grandchildren. Each time she "grants immortality" to one of her family, she knows that that one will do well because Grandmother Hua will accept nothing less. Only after the Embrace does she reveal the truth, always buying her Embrace and then pre-purchasing the Childe she has already prepared for this ritual and keeping the person away from the others.

Year of Birth
1940 AD -387 Years old


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