
Mae is an incredibly old vampire to be a Native. Embraced in the 16th century in China, she is actually a contemporary to some of the most temporally powerful Vampires in Modern nights. However, when Mae foresaw the Manchu takeover coming in the late 17th century, she cultivated a minor cult of spiritual purity among her mortal descendants and used them to guard her while she went into Torpor in the 1600's. Because she had hidden the location of her Haven, the revolution passed her by.

As a torpid Jiang-Shi Vampire disguised as a revered ancestor, Mae was brought with her mortal descendants into the New World. Unfortunately for her, Mae was awakened and kept as a vinculum-bound slave by members of the Invictus for decades. Eventually, Mae helped Hiram awaken from his self-induced Torpor and that one act of defiance brought about an entire regime change.

When the smoke cleared, Mae was left to rebuild alongside Hiram, Valerie and Cyrus. Mae helped to found the Princedom of Chicagoland, using the Invictus as a puppet. She had absorbed so much information while kept as the pet of the First Estate that when those leeches were dead she seemlessly stepped into the role and started earning the Invictus truly obscene amounts of money. Her skills won her acclaim and a leadership role within the Covenant, and she was placed "in charge" of Chicago in 1880. She became head of the Covenant but never challenged her friend Hiram for the Princedom, despite the urgings of Invictus in other Cities.


Contacts & Relations

Mae keeps close ties with her first Coterie, and has never taken up with another. Cyrus, Hiram, and Valerie are her dearest friends, and as part of keeping her humanity, she has sworn to face the sun rather than betray them. The extent to which she takes this is extreme, and as a result each of her dearest friends has sworn similar blood-bound oaths to defend her and her clan.

Mae has close ties to her family and her Clan. Her descendants are her pride and joy, and she does her best to attend any night-time events the schools put on. Mae also incidentally uses her influence to affect the schedule of events at these schools. Of course her businesses also donate fairly heavily to various schools.

Family Ties

Mae claims descent from the first Jiang-shi, by virtue of her family, the Jiang family from whom the first Jiang-shi, a woman named Jiang, was supposedly created. From Jiang's descendants, mortal and immortal, the claim says, the Jiang-shi come. Mae, as the oldest and strongest survivor, has claimed the title of clan elder and set about rebuilding both her Clan and her clan.

From 1871 to 1880 Mae had a singular focus, finding and reuniting her family line. Her descendants came with her from mainland China in the first decades of the 19th century. In the 1850's they came in droves. Mae was never able to find them all.

From those descendants, Mae chose her first childe. While teaching her Childe, she married the young man her descendant would've and bore the first of her Dhampyr children. She had several under her alias as Mae Jiang - her birth name. Each child was matched to one of her descendants to rebuild her clan line. From her descendants she chooses her Childer. She has many now.




Towards Mae




Towards Cyrus


Wealth & Financial state

Mae is fantastically wealthy. She has leveraged her many businesses to provide services to Vampires, who all know to come to her or her many businesses for their needs. Her influences also serve to give her further wealth.

Jiang-Shi Founder of Chicagoland

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Year of Birth
1520 AD 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
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