
“You are having visions of the future and experiencing nausea? Fascinating. I’d like to take a sample of your blood.”

You want to join Jaliniyya because:

Being dead doesn’t stop you from being curious. You practiced medicine or alchemy in life, or you want to learn how in death. You believe science can free you from your curse. The big picture: We cope with our deaths by immersing ourselves in alchemical studies. The Jaliniyya thrive by adapting the scientific progress that drives the Islamic Golden Age to our own purposes. Science, medicine, and alchemy are all a part of God’s plan, so why not use this knowledge to our advantage? We follow the Mu’tazilite philosophy, and we research nothing more than our own Vitae. If blood taken from the body is spiritually impure, we want to understand the impurity mystically and scientifically. Our greatest achievement would be to synthesize an artificial substance that mimics Vitae. With this, we could sustain ourselves without violating our spiritual purity by consuming blood. Until then, we explore the supernatural using scientific methods and refine our knowledge of the blood alchemy we call Kimiya. We don’t promise to make the Requiem any easier, but we can ensure it will be wondrous.

Where we came from:

We were once a minor sect in the Camarilla’s dying nights, dedicated to applying Galen’s humoral medicine to the study of Vitae. When the Camarilla collapsed, we fled east to the Sassanid Empire and remained when Islam became the new game in town. The Camarilla’s fall and the Bait al-Hikma’s rise were the best things to happen to us.

Our practices:

We postulate, we test, we research. We investigate clans and bloodlines to determine how the blood evolves. Many of us endeavor to found our own bloodlines so we may study their Vitae before and after the transformation. Interviews and anecdotal evidence are useful, but blood samples provide the fruitful research. Few divs are willing to part with their blood, though, so we persuade them when we can and steal it when we must. When other Kindred debase themselves by committing diablerie, we hunt them down and capture them swiftly. Foul as it is, Amaranth changes the blood, and we cannot afford to let the other covenants destroy such valuable test subjects.

Nicknames: Alchemists (formal), Harun’s Children (informal), Greeks (derogatory)

When we are in power:

Science triumphs over petty politics and all become part of our experiments. We pay lip service to those with worldlier concerns and let them handle the night-to-night micromanagement, while we focus on the big picture. What we learn can then benefit the entire domain. That means some of our subjects walk away with less Vitae than they started with, but it is all in service to the Emir.

When we are in trouble:

Left to work in peace, we are unlikely to meddle where we aren’t wanted. If you threaten our research or libraries, on the other hand, things get messy. Violate our laboratories and you’ll become a bloody smear in an alleyway.

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