
Menntun means education, but can be a synonym for training or exercise. Emma agreed to serve Omarosa for twenty years, but no one said it had to be twenty consecutive years. Instead of being the Childe of Omarosa, Emma becomes the Dread Captain's bargaining chip. Cashing in old favors, Omarosa saddles others with the training of her fledgling.

She calls in seven favors, having planned for each one to take the girl for no less than three years. But the Danse never plays out its steps spaced for Omarosa's feet, and each "apprenticeship" lasts significantly less time. Her first is to Alethia, and after that, it is up to Emma...nominally.

Over the course of her years of training and travel, Emma witnesses the Stryx and comes to know their Horror.

Plot points/Scenes

The arc takes place in many parts in many different parts of Earth-by-Night.

...In England

Emma is left on an English island to find Alethia, a Vampire from "the old days" who will teach her to fight and be a better Vampire. Venice

Emma is taken by her Sire to Venice to update her wardrobe and see how a modern princedom can operate. France

Emma is sent to France to learn from a Dynasty of Vampires the tactics and strategies of how Vampires rule the night. But the household is ashes and the Vampire in charge is dust. Gaston is their last living ghoul, and he is desperate to not wake the next Vampire in his Dynasty - the monster that made him. What does Emma do?

Parts Four to Seven


Selime is a perfumer in the ancient city of Istanbul. She is to teach and provide Emma with the skills of a seductress and refinement of her disciplines.


In Morocco, Emma must set aside all she has learned to master her senses, tracking, and hunting - even to the point of hunting that which hunts Vampires. Her mentor is Dayo, and she is a deadly assassin and hunter who brooks no challenge, attitude, or recklessness.


Toledo is known for its bladesmiths, and among the Damned that remains true. The best is Leonor, and she will forge a fine blade for Emma. Emma will also learn from one of the best the arts of crafts and the joy of building.

Brandenburg, HRE

The Princedom of Berlin is infested with horrors. Omarosa gathers her Childe to complete her training. Its time to fight Stryx.



From the Beginning, Time Moves Ever Forward

This game begins in 1551 in Iceland and moves to England before the new year. Alethia trains Emma until Omarosa arrives a year and a day later. Then Emma is responsible for choosing their next destination from the six remaining places. But it takes time to get anywhere, and events wait for no protagonist. Each location has a plotline that plays out according by date, unless Emma intervenes. Only she can change the fate of any given location.


In 1552 the ghoul tailor Teodor has many debtors and few paying customers, for either side of his payment options. In 1555 he shutters his store for good and moves to the court of Berlin. His move starts a cascade of store closings and business shutdowns that crash the Venetian economy, resulting in a new coinage being adopted.


In 1552, on the winter solstice, a new Vampire from a cadet branch of the di Milano Family rises to power in the County of Amiens in Picardie, France.

In April of 1553 the villagers of Airaines lead a revolt against the dark creatures in the castle. If Emma gets there too late she instead gets to the broken down ruin of a forgotten castle and finds her would-be mentor a pile of ashes. Her only hope is a Ghoul of theirs that is starving for blood but who is unable to wake the next member of the Dynasty early, having been Dominated into forgetting the resting place of the Elders until it is time to wake them in a century. And yet worse is that the ghoul, Gaston, dies in May from old age brought on by Vitae deprivation.

By 1554 the town of Airaines has become the turf of a family of Awakened who suffer no trespass from Other beings. In 1558, they have expanded their claims to Amiens, the county seat. By 1565, they have their people in the highest echelons of the French monarchy and have a stranglehold on Picardie. But then their expansion stops abruptly in 1570 - as soon as one last farm is purchased, the entire family turns inward and insular.


Selime is a busy woman, slinging potions and poisons among the undead and living alike. Istanbul is a bustling place and in 1566 the caliph dies, which throws the entire city into mourning.


I don't know.


I don't know.

Articles under Menntun


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