
Kimiya, Blood Alchemy. Kimiya is equal parts ritual and scientific process. The Jaliniyya consider Kimiya an occult science rather than ritual magic, a distinction few outside the covenant see. Kimiya initially developed in Greece when Kindred applied Galen’s humoral alchemy to Vitae, but it reaches its apogee during the Islamic Golden Age.


Mechanically, Kimiya is a ritual Discipline and a form of blood sorcery, like Majnun. Only Alchemists in good standing (Jaliniyya Status 1 or more) may learn Kimiya and its formulae. If an Alchemist loses all status in the covenant, she cannot learn new formulae. Each formula requires spending one Vitae, plus a sacrifice of blood from lethal wounds equal to the formula’s dot rating − 1, to a minimum of one. The blood must come from the formula’s subject. If the subject is an object, the ritualist sacrifices her own blood instead. The dice pool for activating Kimiya formulae is Intelligence + Science + Kimiya. On an exceptional success, the ritualist may choose the Inspired Condition as her benefit, while on a dramatic failure she gains the Jaded Condition.


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