Laura is an Unclaimed Shadow, and a proud Leandros. She burns for Wendy her beloved wife, but their "daughter" always seems to come first. Once in a while, Laura thinks on leaving her beloved Wendy, or maybe even taking some of little Emma's shine away. But then she remembers that night a few years back when she tried and shudders. What Wendy did was cruel. Cruel enough to make that vile Prince Hiram smile darkly. So she doesn't. And the latest news about Emma has made Wendy even worse... Laura is about a decade passed the "Oh, the human girl is so cute, let's keep her..." stage and is more than starting to resent Emma - but knows that if anything were to happen to Emma that Wendy would have her hide, possibly literally. So Laura made...arrangements...for Emma.
Unclaimed Mekhet Ancilla
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