Meat Market

The Meat Market is a strangely Chicagoan Tradition held every ten years on Halloween at The InterContinental Hotel. This is the only time when new Vampires are Embraced.

While the Founders are allowed to Embrace for free, all other Citizens of the Princedom need to buy a ticket. A ticket to this function costs a whopping 150 Coins, but the value of a Childer is higher still. Should a Vampire choose not to Embrace, his coins are returned without question.


It all begins in the Grand Ballroom. There, on the stage, Hiram makes a speech congratulating all who purchased an Embrace this decade. He encourages them, he illustrates that the Embrace is an act of the elite few who have the discipline to save, to work, to earn their coin. Then he turns to the stage and the curtains open. Behind him, seated in comfortable chairs are the kidnapped victims that will be either the next generation of Vampires or dinner.

Hiram turns to them and explains what's going on, reveling in telling them that Vampires are real, and they seated in a room full of them. He then explains that the next four hours will see them split into groups and interviewed by interested parties, and that at midnight the Taking begins.

The Interviews are somewhat formulaic, with mortals of similar age, size, and appearance being questioned by anyone who might fancy one of them. For four hours this goes on, and it includes a physical "interview" where the individual removes their outerwear and is inspected for blemishes or physical malformities. At the stroke of midnight, though, everyone is expected to be in their seats again.

The Taking begins at the stroke of midnight, and is hardly as one-sided as it seems. Each individual is named, whereupon they stand and approach Hiram. Hiram then asks for any who wish to Embrace them to stand. If only one Vampire shows interest, it is decided - the Prospect is taken to their future Sire's table to sit. Should more than Vampire rise, each is given a moment to reflect and possibly retract their position before the prospect is taken to a table with a mediator and gets to interview their potential Sires. Usually a settlement of a few coins is offered to the losing side but it is not mandatory. If no Vampire shows interest, the Prospect is given another chance at the end of the process. If no Vampire shows interest then, the Prospects are sold as Blood Dolls.

At the end of the Meat Market, the Vampires and their Prospects are taken to rooms outfitted for them especially where the Embrace happens and the two Vampires take their daysleep.

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