Menntun i Frakklandia

General Summary

From the Med to the Somme

Emma, her Herd and Grace sailed aboard Omarosa's ship, alongside Clara and her entourage. The entire voyage took a mere sixteen nights aboard Omarosa's carrack Bonne Aventure.

Journey Inland

Omarosa drops Emma, Grace, Clara and her retinue off at travel together to Abbeville, where their paths split.

Emma's Journey

Clara goes on towards Paris, while Emma heads to Airaines and then on to Amiens to find the Vampires she was supposed to learn from.

Trouble in Amiens

Emma finds the castle a burnt out, crumpled-down ruin and the remains of the vampires and their ghouls tied to a stake and burned to ash. While investigating, she heard rustling in woods nearby and tracked it down. An old man, a hunter, had been watching her. They converse briefly and she inadvertintly reveals her nature, and he calls her on it. Before Emma can react with violence he reveals everything: he's a ghoul, he worked for the Dynasty she was sent to learn from, and he's dying without his regnant's (or any vampire's) Gift of Blood. He offers to teach her everything he knows in exchange for being her servant. If she fed him, he would stop aging so fast and be able to teach her anything he knows. She agrees after some discussion, and he introduces himself. His name is Gaston, and he has been a ghoul for centuries. They agree to leave the remaining torpid Dynasty members in torpor and leave the area. On their way out towards Amiens they come across another Vampire on the road and a fight ensues but Emma and Gaston win easily, leaving the Vampire for the sun and letting Emma refuel on his ghoul before heading out.

Going Back

The road to Airaines is uneventful and Emma takes Grace with her, and Charles tags along, unwilling to leave Grace's side. He speaks privately to Emma about their plans and abruptly asks for Grace's hand in marriage, correctly guessing that Grace was sworn to Emma's service. Emma and Charles speak at length, but Emma agrees in the end. They prepare to leave the next night.

Report Date
09 Jul 2024


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