Native Asps

The Native Asps are the line of Mekhet directly descended from Cyrus. They are not numerous, anymore. But Cyrus keeps them at fighting strength. While their numbers are small, just by the number of ephemeral entities they slaughter this family rivals some of the Werewolf packs for glory. Their real fight lies with the Strix, and they care little for Vampiric Politics. The last odd thing to note is that while Covenants vary among the members of this line, all have kept the Khaibit Bloodline, a rarity in such a metropolitan place as Chicago.

Foreign Relations

The Native Asps have a fundamentally neutral outlook on the other factions within the Mekhet, and place less importance on the faction than on the usefulness of the Mekhet in question. That being said, that view does not extend outside the Mekhet. The Asps only fully trust the other Native factions and keep all others at a distance. Usually with a bead traced on them.

The Native Asps have a working relationship with the Native Haunts, largely inspired by the close kinship between Cyrus and Hiram. Despite serving different Covenants, both organizations put the safety and security of the Princedom first and have an agreement to share knowledge and intelligence as needed in that pursuit.

The Asps and the Succubi have a fantastic but simple understanding of the need to stay in one's lane. Revolutionaries seek to burn Elders? Succubi issue. Owls of smoke and shadow start possessing Vampires? Asp issue. Open communication is kept between all of them and while they are polite and civil to each other, they are not friendly. And that owes to an insult issued in 1843 that never got punished, and the resulting bitter emnity that has cooled over the centuries.

The Asps and the Phantoms have a strong relationship. Information for services is a trade the two lines gladly barter back and forth, usually with both sides benefitting from the trade. In return for news on who's acting out of sorts, the Asps remove obstructions to the Phantoms' business operations and those operations often offer a significant discount to the Asps. The constant coinflow to the Phantoms allows them to expand, and the Asps' information is always for sale.

Founding Date
Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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