Order of the Emerald Claw Organization in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Order of the Emerald Claw

While the Emerald Claw no longer has any ties to the government of Karrnath, it continues to operate in the shadows across Khorvaire. The order claims to still be dedicated to Karrnath, but makes known its belief that Kaius III is weak and that he betrayed the country when he sought peace.   Few outside the most high-ranking members of the order understand and appreciate the true connection between the order and the Blood of Vol. Most assume that since the order consists of loyal Karrnathi, it is understandable that some of its members follow the teachings of the Blood. The truth is, however, that Vol created the order not to help Karrnath, but to help herself. The Emerald Claw represents the claw of a green dragon, a connection to Vol’s heritage as a half-dragon. It has members, both recognized and hidden, operating throughout the Five Nations and beyond. These members serve as Vol’s eyes and ears, her devoted army, and her trusted hunters of arcane relics of power.   When dealing with the Order of the Emerald Claw, it is easy to dismiss them as zealots and extremists. Of all the villains in Eberron, they are perhaps the most straightforward—where you find the order, you can usually assume that evil is afoot. Never underestimate the Order of the Emerald Claw, though, for it can attract skilled wizards and warriors to its banner, and the organization’s combination of patriotism and (secret) religious fervor wins it many allies among the common folk. The order might invariably be dedicated to evil, but it can still dupe good people into serving its ends.   You might be dealing with the Order of the Emerald Claw if your foes include intelligent undead such as vampires or liches, if they reveal Karrnathi accents, or if they display high levels of military or magical training. Naturally, if you see the symbol of the order displayed on shields or helmets, it’s a dead giveaway that the order is involved. Outside Karrnath and particularly beyond Khorvaire, members of the order do not always take pains to conceal their affiliation.   Common Knowledge (-2) or Acadmeics: The Order of the Emerald Claw was a chivalric order that served King Kaius I and his successors during the Last War. The order was outlawed in 980 YK for extremist activities, and King Kaius III has gone to great lengths in an attempt to stamp it out. The order continues to remain active in the shadows of Karrnath and beyond, but it is now seen as a terrorist organization.


In the beginning of the Last War, the agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw were the heroes of Karrnath. Their devotion to their nation was matched only by their cunning and skill at arms. The knights of the order were instrumental in Karrnath’s military success, and it is now believed that certain acts of espionage and sabotage that occurred in other nations were their secret handiwork.   As time passed, though, the King of Karrnath began to have his doubts about the order. The knights of the Emerald Claw were fiercely devoted to Karrnath, but few outside the order’s highest levels knew that their devotion masked service to another master—the Blood of Vol. Ultimately, edicts were passed condemning the order for its violent activities, and by 980 YK it was formally disbanded and outlawed by Moranna, the regent of Karrnath.
Dissolution Date
980 YK it was outlawed
Illicit, Terrorist group
Emerald Claw
Emerald Claw is Outlawed

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds


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