Ander Windrriver

Ander Windrriver (a.k.a. Second born)

His name is Ander. He does not want to bear the responsibility of being the firstborn of his house. He caroused and dabbled in music until he inserted himself into a rescue mission. That mission lead to a confusing progression of events that has lead him to be one of the most respected adventurers of the Sword Coast.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tight, toned, but not built. Built for speed not strength.

Facial Features

Steely blue eyes and charming smile. Trimmed beard and mustache.

Identifying Characteristics

Steely blue eyes.

Physical quirks

Tall and almost lanky. Almost looks strong, but it's all for show not for function.

Special abilities

Bagpipes, Dice Set, Drum, Lute, Thieves Tools. Carousing. Throwing knives.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wearing a Robin Hood hat. Carrying bagpipes, lute, or drum. Long string of throwing knives and the Aestas Amulet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ander is the second born son of Michael and Charity Windrriver and younger brother of Cormac. He is a part of the main branch of the Estelmer family. his grandparents were Ion and Yiri Estelmer. He is the nephew of Margaret and McCoy Ulmokina and cousin of Ralmevik.

Gender Identity

Male. He/him




Ander studied music and developed an affinity for it at an early age. He spent time learning lore through music and developed magical abilities.


Ander never needed to work as a youth and younger adult. He now is a member of the Force Grey.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Force Grey
  • Hand of the Sword Coast
  • Champion of the Founder's Day Contest

Mental Trauma

  • Finding out his brother died years ago and was replaced by a doppelgänger.
  • Seeing Crescent die in combat twice.
  • Seeing Kara die in combat twice; once after he cast fireball after she was unconscious.
  • Seeing Fenris drown in combat.
  • Seeing Fella die in combat after casting Fireball after she went unconscious. Her soul had to be captured in a ruby and her corpse was placed in his bag of holding for three days. During this time he was afflicted by a magical flaw which made him believe that all of his companions were imposters.
  • Each of these times that his companions died, he was responsible for bringing their souls back to their bodies.
  • His family appeared to have been brutally murdered in the Attack on Waterdeep, but were actually kidnapped by Maab with the threat of torture and death if he gets in the way of Tiam's Chosen's plans.

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly insightful, persuasive, and can be deceptive if needed.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in the equal sanctity of life. No life is worth more or less than another. Those who leverage the lives of innocents deserve the worst eternal outcome that the planes can offer.


Needless murder and exploitation of the poor and innocent.

Personality Characteristics


He's trying his damndest to not have to take on the responsibility of being the firstborn son of his family. The loss of family and close friends came at a time that caused him great sadness and anger. These powerless losses fueled his already existing feelings of protection of his loved ones and retribution against anyone who would harm them. He loves his friends more than he thought he ever could. He worries that he will not be able to save them from death and has focused his magical knowledge on supporting, healing, and restoring loss of health and life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ander loves a good time. Gambling, drinking, carousing, and anything else that sounds fun without hurting anyone. Ander is not necessarily wise, and he is definitely not strong or smart.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: carousing, gambling, performing, telling and hearing stories Dislikes: Liars, douchebags, and people who never stop grabbing for power at the cost of common folk.

Virtues & Personality perks

Friendly, charismatic, accepting, committed, compassionate, generous, loyal, passionate, encouraging. Being close to Ander will always give a person endless support and generosity. Ander is willing to sacrifice everything he has to support those who have displayed characteristics of a friend deserving of his loyalty and commitment.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: sex, gambling, drinking, and sometimes drugs Flaws: Family secret, fixation on retribution toward those who have hurt his loved ones. Ander is quick to judge those in positions of power as douchebags who grasp for power at the expense of the common folk.

Personality Quirks

Ander will clean any dirty thing on him immediately. He hates people who seem unnecessarily deceptive or withholding.


Ander hates being dirty. He will prestidigitate the hell out of anything gross near him. He always makes himself look as clean as possible in his current circumstances.


Contacts & Relations

Ralmevik Ulmokina- maternal cousin Vajra Safahr- the Blackstaff Laeral Silverhand- Open Lord of Waterdeep Mirt and Remallia Haventree- Harpers contacts

Family Ties

Ander is the second born son of Michael and Charity Windrriver and younger brother of Cormac. He is a part of the main branch of the Estelmer family. his grandparents were Ion and Yiri Estelmer. He is the nephew of Margaret and McCoy Ulmokina and cousin of Ralmevik.

Religious Views

The only god Ander has ever respected is Amaterasu. He does not engage in worship of a deity due to lack of interest and observation of poor outcomes for those who are pious.

Social Aptitude

Incredibly persuasive and charismatic.


Ander can be observed fiddling with or sharpening a dagger while speaking. He gestures moderately while sober and wildly while drunk.

Hobbies & Pets

Juno- fey blink dog


Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Telepathy

Wealth & Financial state

Minor noble He is used to having at least a few gold pieces at his disposal at any time.

Devilishly handsome music man.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Second born son of Michael Windrriver Member of the Force Grey Hand of the Sword Coast
Current Residence
Trollskull Manor
Steely Blue
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm going to make her sweat a little."
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Telepathy


Laeral touched me today. No, that can't be right.

Reading before Moot of Dragons
Departing for Dragon Moot

Herald of life into my chest Magi of of chains into Ralmevik's shoulder (does shoulder not indicate that it is him directly? Possibly a family member)   Broken, Queen of Chains, Consort, (Tabaxi?) Opon (Jester of Chance)   King in Chains, Reaver of Chains, Magi of Dark, Magi of Light, Thief of Shadow

Life and Death
Day of trapping the Seer, II

After my waking nightmare, we made it to the center of the city. We arrived to Kara’s parents and friend holding the ward open to allow passage out of the city. They were prepared to switch the ward off to trap the Seer and allow us to teleport with Laeral. I drank two potions and received healing from Sorry and felt much improved since I was on death's door. We observed the mobs of mind controlled peasants to tear apart the injured and dead to devour them. Kara and I worked to evacuate as many civilians as possible while Ralmevik and Fenris set up traps to slow the mobs. The few soldiers who died in their armor appeared to rise from the dead. The reanimated bodies of the Mortal Sword and the Destrient appeared in our midst as the mobs began to circle the amphitheater. I felt torn every time I watched a mob encircle an ally. I felt torn fighting the men who I had just seen commanding the Grey Swords. I knew the inevitable destruction and horror that I would watch if I did not intervene. I killed innocent people being puppeted by the Seer. I want to save them. I don’t want them to die. There is no difference between them and the people of this city aside from geographic circumstance and time. Six of these mobs came and we slaughtered them all. Every spell I cast pained and damaged me. I was no longer of use after we murdered the sixth mob. Kara stayed to assist in evacuation and the river crossing as possible. The rest of us teleported out with Laeral. I immediately went to work to find out about the Seer’s blade and the runes on the blade. The blade is called Dragnipur. It was used in the Chaining of the Chained God by Bahamut. Laeral and Arlingvain were present at the Chaining. The chaining was a gathering of Ascendants and gods joined together to bind the Crippled God to the world and then excised the area from it. Quarantining him and his miasma of chaos into its own demiplane. Many ascendants and gods were shatterd, scarred, or otherwise changed from this process.

Waking Nightmare
The day of the attempt to trap the Seer

Strange dream today. Dream? Maybe a a waking nightmare. It began as I was in the form of a giant ape, running to the hope of safety from the Pannion Seer.   Day of the Fireball. I woke up knowing that it was the day and that I had about a minute before I held Wit as he died. I ran out into my nightclothes with patrons and friends looking at me like I was crazy. I ran into the street looking for the nimblewright whom I knew to be present to cause the death of dear friends, strangers, and the gnome who was carrying the Stone. I saw all those who were present that day: nobles, my friends the Appleblossoms preparing for a show, Urstool with three Zhentarim in pursuit of the gnome named Dalakar sent by Dougalt to retrieve the Stone. I dispelled the five beads of the Necklace of Fireballs, magically held Urstool, and dimension doored to the forge of Avvy and Amberac with the gnome. I hear sounds outside that indicate that the City Watch arrive, but no sounds that tell me that dear friends and strangers have died. The gnome asked for my help getting back to Dougalt because we were the people who saved Floon. He was apprehensive to admit that he had the Stone and retrieved it from the Xanathar by sneaking in and out. He said that Dougalt needed the funds to help restore the city after the explosion of the mountain which left parts of the city in ruins. He said if I helped, I might be able to speak to Dougalt about the embezzlement of funds from Waterdeep and some of the items in the vault. Hr emphasized that Dougalt is good to the people he is tasked with overseeing. It has been 3 years since Dougalt was kicked out of Waterdeep for embezzling and hoarding funds from the city in a secret vault. At the end of the dream in this setting, Wit told me, "See what could have happened if you had this power then?"   The dream shifts to what appears to be a class of possible Wizards in an auditorium. I was not myself but a boy in the class. The presenter referenced the first BlackStaff Kelbin when he said he was seeing if anyone in the class had potential. He said, "There are two minds. Thinking waking mind. Sleeping mind is much stronger and is able to learn names and speak them. The waking mind cannot speak a name and know its experience. Only the sleeping mind can know that and speak the name. He crumbled a stone and asked if anyone heard what he spoke, and I was the only one who raised my hand. He said I might have some potential. He gave instructions to pick the name we would learn and come back in three days. A student asked about learning his own name and the teacher said, "Knowing a name of a person or something more complex is so much more than knowing the name of stone or granite." A sign indicated that I was in The Estelmer College of Naming. He spoke with me and said I could have potential to be an El'ir, a seer. A'Lar are speakers and El'Tha are shapers. I thought about the Pannion Seer when he spoke of Seers. As I spoke with him I saw that he resembles the portrait of Lord Goldost Estelmer. He asked me my name and I told him, "Ralmevik." A woman with flowing read haired in her early 30's talked to the presenter as he left. He asked me what name I chose, and I said, "Fire." He responded, "Be careful." He left with the woman who resembled a portrait of one in our family home, but I don't recall who. I think they are married. The building is familiar and is in Waterdeep in the Castle Ward as I look around. The lady and Lord Estelmer walk by me and the lady says, "My job is to counter the Winter Knight not just to protect you and that blade of yours." I tried to detect his thoughts, but I got static from the Lord's mind. The lady was worried about his blade. The blade is a greatsword. A blade with seven runes on it. No chain. It is the Pannean Seer's blade. The top rune is different than the others, but the other six are identical. I can't see what the top symbol looks like. "The lady says, "The blade will be useful if we find whatever causing this, but I fear the power bleeds into you when you use it. The Queen of Air and Darkness is pursuing it because it is flavored of the outer gates." I awoke into the present.