The Well of Dragons 1492 Burns Sleep

Plot points/Scenes

  • Midnight
  • The Wild Hunt
  • Getting into Position
  • Battle for the Well
  • Endgame



  1. Red Abishai (Nomen) attempted to intercept Arveaturace but was sidetracked by Zelifarn & Kayleth. (now charmed)
  2. There to ensure the death of the hand, too busy a day for interference.
  • The Wild Hunt
  1. Join, Hide, or Die
  2. Potential gain of resources back & insight into what's ahead
  • Getting to the Well
  1. Lashiel
  2. Coltain & Forces
  3. Sneaking into position

Rising Action

The Wild Hunt
Action/Contest Complication Consequence
Falling into the Hunt Release you've wanted for so long & get a look at what's ahead The first thing you notice is the scent of fear, it's palpable, you feel it calling you like a cold glass of water after being far too long in the heat.
Observations/Direction At first it's just fangs, claws, and blood. Then more filters in, the viscous tangle of your teeth on that of thick hide of a white abishai, then that of a young dragon, standing resolute against you and your fellows, the blasting of a horn echoing in your skull the sound originating from the rim of a deep crater in the earth. An eternity passes, as you savage one creature after another. At one point a blade passes into your gut, spilling out your end trails, but this doesn't stop you, it gave you the opening necessary to go for this Abishai's throat.
Dawn's Approach Eventually your belly is full if not the craving for more, and a familiar scent strikes you. You can't quite place it, but you know it's something you want, something you need, and bolt off into the quickly fading darkness. The sense of urgency is upon you like you've been upon your prey this night. As the braying of the hunter's horn fades further into the distance light begins to play upon the broken landscape. You increase your pace, no, further, just a little further. The stars begin to fade. Just a little more, and just as you notice the first rays of gold. <- But making it to the red wyrm speaker.
Making their Way to the Well
Action/Contest Complication Consequence
Following in the Hunt's Wake A green dragon strikes a rider of shadow from the sky, before it flailingly descends into the nearby woods. Loup Garu attacks them
Navigating the broken landscape A shifting of the horn in the air, vibrating your bones as dawn approaches, young three red wizards with blue armbands follow a half orc through the rocky tunnels. Discovery by the gang and fighting them (Minion rule for wizards, and young blue dragon attacks)
The Well Propper As you begin your ascent on the five pronged spire of broken land. As dawn breaks the sound of the rhythmic horn echos on your ears making speech difficult, it's so close now. A short time later You're taken briefly by surprise when three tieflings, one maybe eight years old with a broken horn stumbles bodily stumbles out of a crevice. (Stony lil girl, Harlow: tiny wings, and Gruntle: tall blue hair straight up horns)
Battle For the Well
Action/Contest Complication Consequence
First Contact/Statues & Dragons Statues, Falling Forces, Destroyed Statues, Pinned group of people being saved by Zelifarn Dex Save or 4d10
Pitched fight between Legions. Allied Forces, Griffons, Dragons, Coltain, Knights in Silver, Singers struggling to push through During Breach Brother Temperance stands upon a hillside, singers dieing quickly under the claws of a dragon (Blue or red) Fight with Vetharn
Storm begins, Ascendsion to the spires of the well Cut off and separated Laeral, two masked lords, fight off several red wizards and abishai Death of one masked lord
Chains lash out between the rocks, energy flowing through them, red eyes, red lightning Blackstaff, Kayleth locked tooth and claw with two blue dragons.  Mitharn  & Rytharn 
Ascension to the highest platform, Storm, rain, lightning, faint images of shadesmar and Avernus  Storm blasting away an ally Dex Save or 4d10 lighting


  • Race to the Center
Lord's Alliance Forces (Anti Ritual) Tiam's Chosen Forces Ritual Success or Failure Helpful Descriptors 
Laeral Silverhand flying along with a masked lord, silver fire sword ablaze leading the charge for knight and forces. Blue dragon moves to intercept along with two black abishai S (victoro's placement) A bright beacon of silverwhite fire pierces the deepening dark. Laeral her sword a blazing beacon of hope for the forces of the sword coast, takes to the sky along with one of her masked lords and makes for the well. 
Delphine of the Beastlands arrives with Agdon, Berdusk Orcslayer in order to save and rescue people Young red dragon takes notice F (loss of sacrifices) An unfamiliar, dulcet voice enters your mind. "Mind your feet sir knight, I'm somewhat new to this"
Coltain Flaming Fist of Baulder's Gate and cleverly driving up a spire & setting attempting to take ground better blockable by the west before the storm strike. Coltain and his horse warriors believe halting the ritual could save his men from the ravages of the storm. Abishai & Cult forces block his path F (coltain's placement) The braying of horses accompanies the shouts of men and the clash of stee. Amid the carnage and chaos of a cavalry charging toward whats left of the enemy defenses along the northernmost spire you spot Coltain, his raven feather cloak catching in the wind as he leads the charge. 
Vajra Saffar, Keyleth & Zelifarn making their way to the well, occationally confronted by a red wizard or abishai none S(blackstaff's placement) 
Brother Diligence and some arcane brotherhood mages Opposing red wizards S (diligence placement) arrogance, greed, hate, spite, and vanity
  • The storm arrogantly claims the well, the spires, and the ritual site, gods amidst this it feels like the world itself. It's wind greedily claiming the air making it a struggle to breathe. Flashes of hateful red light illuminate shapes above and beyond, rain spitefully stinging exposed skin like tiny needles. The cacophony of all this is drowned out in an eternal moment, a moment that you feel claimed, claimed by the vainglorious silhouette dominating the scene. Five sets of eyes, piercing through the dark of the storm. God of dragons, mother to the first world, the scaled tyrant, Tiamat, has come home. 

Falling Action

  • Fighting Tiamat at the Well
Allied Force Mechanical Consequence Description
Laeral Silverhand  Casts Revivify on a fallen party member (or cure wounds) (Even) Laeral weaving through the surrounding tempest, a glowing beacon strikes out an outstretched wing. 
 (Odd) All five heads turn their attention to Laeral and like a firefly being swatted from the sky she descends hard to the earth. 
Vajra Saffar  Wall of Force to safe or protect someone or counterspells (Even) Vajra pulls out and holds close something in her hand, arcane words lost to the howeling wind and sigils of wizardly power glow defiant to the darkness around her. 
 (Odd) A resonant roar to the rhythm of destruction reverberates in the air and a cascade of red lightning decends upon the blackstaffs location.
Coltain Flaming Fist of Baulder's Gate  Advantage on death saves while he's alive. Will take a fatal strike. (Even) Coltain takes aim from atop one of the stone ridges and looses a black fletched arrow, it pierces deep into the white heads eye. 
 (Odd) In a flash of scarlet lightning the outcrop coltain perches on shatters, the white head swivels in perfect timing and unleashes a torrent of cold on the unbalanced warlord. 
Zelifarn  Will take a fatal strike (Even)The bronze dragons take to the sky lashing out with tooth and claw at the blue and green heads. 
(Odd) The blue head shifts savagely in a moment of impact it's large horn driving deep into Zelifarn.
Kayleth  Will take a fatal strike (Even) Kayleht drops from the sky scroll wrappings splayed out behind her as she shouts a challenge. 
(odd) The green head snaps out biting deep into the wing of one of the bronze dragons, and with a contemptuous flick, casts the broken form into the crevasse of the well.  
Brother Diligence  Slows, grapples, or advantage on attacks for a round (Even) Brother diligence grows as you've seen him do but once before in another hellscape, the curling horns and extra set of arms emerge and eyes emerge from his frame, growing more bear like he rawrs and attacks. 
 (Odd) two heads plant their claws in diligence and wrench, the tearing of flesh and crackling of bones pierces the storm as he's bisected and tossed to either side. 
Crescent Estelmer  Arrow of Slaying (CON 15 or 45 damage) half on save. Dimension Door, or Aid (Even) An green and black fletched arrow strikes out from the tempest finding a weak point between Tiamat's massive scales.  (Odd) "Sorry I'm Late"
Victoro Cassalanter   Will banish a character to save them (Even) the masked lord brandishes his cane and holds out a hand at the ready. 
 (Odd) Fire lights up a scene in shadowy silhouette of a mand standing atop a balcony like outcrop of rock. The heat forces your eyes shut and when they open only darkness remains. 


  • Fighting Tiamat in the Cognitive
Action Type DC Effect
Action: Create Attack Int. 15-20 4d12-8d12
Bonus Action: Manifest Hazard Int. 15 Dex 15 or 2d12
Action: Shift Environment Int. 20 Change maps
Bonus Action: Partial Shift Int. 10-15 Medium-large object (such as a wall)
Concentration for flooring  Int score x5 square feet creates solid ground out of the black sea
Action: Singularity interaction CON DC10+spell level Permanent Death Save, 1d6+Spell slot
Bonus Action: Singularity Interaction CON DC10+spell level Pernanant Death Save, Spell Slot



  • If the Ritual Succeeds: