
Steadholt founded by Cord. Former Sergeant of the 14th Malazan army, 9th company, 7th squad.

Guilds and Factions

  • Notable that all the remaining members of Cord's squad joined him in making this Steadholt.
  1. Shard (Corpral) - Gangly Human in his late 20's. Polite, knack for getting scars. 
  2. Bell - Goliath Woman (heavy build), always wearing a helmet. Paranoid about head wounds. 
  3. Feather - Female lizard folk with far too many knives. 
  4. Crump (Sapper) - Grumpy human female, with hair always in a mess despite obvious efforts. 
  5. Limp (Sapper) - Grumpy human male with ED
  6. Sinn (Mage) - Teen tabaxi male, black fur with grey spots. Curious quiet, nerdy
Location under
Owning Organization