Die Lied Der Erlking

A ritual to call the Lord of the Wild Hunt to the Material Plane. Notably only possible during certain times or certain circumstances. Knowledge imparted upon Ander Windrriver's sleeping mind with the acceptance of a deal struck with Der Erlking.


  • This Ritual may only take place on the 21st day of Eleint 1491 Burn's Sleep.
  1. 1 hour ritual (requiring concentration)
  2. A total of 15 spell slots, a creature can only contribute a single slot (ex. 3 creatures giving a 5th level slot)
  3. A circle drawn from the spilled lifeblood of a creature worthy of the Wild Hunt (With the Dagger)
  4. The reciting of Der Erlking's name 3 times.

Components and tools

  • 3 Names: Der Erlking, Lord of the Wild Hunt, Anomandaris! I summon thee!