Leyla Yankova Schneider Costa Character in Scars of her Blood - Universe | World Anvil
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Leyla Yankova Schneider Costa

The "Little Demon"

Leyla Yankova - widely known as the "Little Demon" - is a Dáotára, a Warlock with exceptional abilities that was raised in the human world and only discovered her true heritage in her adult life. She was raised a caringand protective person that was was ripped away from her life and made to adapt to Degheich and its harsh realities in a heartbeat.  
"You will never truly belong anywhere, little demon. Everyone will just see you powers or see the damage you can cause with them."

Early Life

  Leyla was born to her mother Daria Yankova in Yarchua under dubious circumstances. Leyla´s biological father is the deity that created Degheich, Thakun. Fearing that her daughter could be in danger in Degheich when people find out that she may have exceptional powers, Daria Yankova placed Leyla into the human world. Leyla was adopted by a young couple (hence the second last name Schneider) in Berlin, Germany, where she grew up as an only child in a loving family. Without a single idea what her heritage is and inclines. Early in her life, Leyla got into figure skating and spend a lot of it, also participating in competitions. The friends she made through her sport became her best companions throughout the next years.    


  After graduating from school, Leyla moved into a flat-sharing community in Berlin with her closest friends. She also started going to university, while still skating in her free time. This is were she met Yelena Yankova for the first time, who would later become Leyla´s first contact to Degheich. A series of events that makes Leyla end up in the hospital, sparks new worry in her biological mother. Daria Yankova kidnaps Leyla out of the hospital and brings her back to Degheich, wiping Leyla´s mind of all memories of the last twenty-one years. The only thing Leyla is able to recall is her name. Daria proceeds to drop her off at the headquarters of the Specialized Response Unit (SRU) in Stadescos, where Leyla is found and taken care off for a while. The people she meets there help her figure out where she came from and help her get her memories back.    

Life in Degheich

  Leyla becomes the assistant to the SRU in Stadescos. She adapts to her new role and eventually even finds a Clándhia to train her in using her magic powers. This gets more people interested in her, even though the SRU tries to keep her hidden. Caught between conflicting opinions, opposing sides and her own morals, Leyla needs to find a balance in her own powers that threaten to get too dangerous for her own good and protecting herself from getting used by everyone she tries to trust. She is loosing her carefree self and her friends begin to notice. When one disaster strikes after another and Leyla is put into difficult positions, she decides to drop everything and go on a journey to find her new identy, one with magic and an infamous father, one where she is no longer human.
Date of Birth
27th August 2004 or Day 12, Mios of Pheagi, 5004
she / her
deep blue
long, dirty blonde hair

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