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Specialized Response Unit

The Specialized Response Unit (short: SRU), is a special forces unit that exists in every Dáotára country. They are tasked with protecting the royal family and also take on the most difficult missions necessary to protect the country. Sometimes they go on intelligence missions and also support the regular military forces in difficult situations in conflicts. They are considered the strongest, most well trained and dangerous units in the world. The unit always consists of thirteen people, one Commander, two Seniors and ten regular members, of which one is a trained medic. Additionally, most units have an assistant, that is less skilled in combat.  
"The members of the SRU are taught to feed those powers, not only draw on them for strength, but to fully embrace them. Of course, that leads to people talking: that they have no heart, that their souls are consumed by their demonic parts, even that there is nothing human about them at all..."

Symbols and Uniform

  The symbol of the SRU if a crown, that is impaled by three swords. This symbol is also embroidered on the uniform of the Commander, to signify his rank. The Seniors have only two swords in a crown embroidered on their uniform and the regular member have one sword in a crown embroidered.   On missions, the soldiers are wearing black, long pants of their own choosing and a dark shirt. Additionally a black jacket with the embroideries in white that signify their rank. On secret missions, they have a jacket without embroideries. Also, they usually wear a hood and a black cloth to cover their face.   On special occasions, the soldiers are wearing black long pants and a white dress shirt underneath their uniform jacket. Additionally, they are wearing a white one–shoulder cape that is fixated with a golden pin showing the sigil of the royal family they serve.    


  The SRU was created when the Dáotára society formed itself. After the leading families had been determined through combat, they chose the strongest members of the families next in line to the throne and made them into their most trusted guard unit. Over time, new recruitment systems have been developed and people began to fear this elite group that mostly kept to themselves.  


  Like the regular Dáotára armies, the SRU is equipped with melee weapons. The members have all been trained in their werewolf and vampire abilities and are of course able to ge the magic of a Clándhia, if voluntarily given. Apart from that, they are all highly trained in hand-to-hand combat.    
Pictures on this article have been created by me with Microsoft Designer AI.
Special Forces

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Aug 11, 2024 03:31 by Marjorie Ariel

I like how much thought you put in to how their uniforms would change, depending on the type of mission they're on.