Aurum Demid of the Day
Demid is the second highest ranking Day Order member in the Fumayan Keepers and is the right hand of Nour of the Day.
Demid is primarily in charge of organzing Khemra worship services across Fumaya and provides aid and support to worship services to the rest of the Nine in Fumaya, especially the Cult of the Compact. He refused a transfer to the Zenith Order because he finds the rest of the Nonagon clergy are more receptive to Day priests than Zenith priests.
He is a moderately powerful theurgist. He travels up and down Fumayan, primarily riding spirit steeds.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Demid is a short but solidly built, the epitome of an earthy human, with dark gray skin and jet black hair.
Special abilities
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Demid was a son of Khemra-fearing farmers and former member of the citizen militia in the Duchy of Wiern who turned out to be a self-taught theurgist and the Keepers
He was transferred to the the Dusk Order but while he was an adequate soldier, he took to book learning very well for someone from an illiterate background and was good at talking to people so he was transferred to the Day Order where he presided over many routine worship services.
He quickly became well-liked by the people and many Fumayans ask him to preside over their marriage rites and baptisms every year. It helps that he has summoned spirits fly over dramatically with streamers an the like.
Demid has decided on clerical celibacy and never looked back.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1794 CE
44 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Korus' Zodiac Year
dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark grey
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations