Commander Budrys

Commander Budrys , of Prophet's Pass

Commander Budrys is a member of Prophet's Pass Pentarchy and is commander of the armed forces.   He is well respected by the common people for his bravery and straight forward honesty, but he tends to rub highborn visitors and local merchants the wrong way with his crass and direct manners.
Willpower 7 Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 3, Appearance 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 4, Perception 2, Wits 3   Abilities: Alertness 1, Animal Ken 1, Archery 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 1 (falsehoods +1), Enigmas 1, Etiquette 2, Hearth Wisdom 3, History 2, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1 (+1 searches), Leadership 3, Melee 4, Medicine 1, Politics 1 (+1 Border Baronies), Ride 1, Seneschal 2 (military logistics +1), Stealth 4, Subterfuge 1, Survival 4, Theology 2
Current Location
Year of Birth
1794 CE 44 Years old

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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