Detlef Dzielny the Dark

Prince Detlef Dzielny, the Dark

Detlef Diezlny is the son and heir of Frydal Dzielny the Valiant, ruler of Principality of Red Streams.   Detlef is known as Detlef the Dark, but that is for jet black hair and beard, not for his demeanor or morality. His hair is now streaked with a bit of grey, but the old nickname sticks regardless.   With his father's advanced age, Detlef has been handling most of the realm's rulership duties, and by all accounts he is doing an excellent job.   Much like his famous father, in his prime, he was a great warrior, and now that he is older he makes up for his declining physical strength with great tactical acumen. Unlike his father, he is a capable administrator and well literate and able to play senechal very well.   Detlef is also very charismatic. He is a capable diplomat and beloved by his subjects.   Detlef's son and heir is a little less respected, now in his early twenties. He actually is a dabbler wizard and is a capable administrator but he is a below average warrior and is more than a bit of a wallflower, lacking his father's personal magnetism. Detlef has two younger sons.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1789 CE 49 Years old
Aligned Organization


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