Inlet of Plenty

The Inlet of Plenty, also called the Inlet of East Colassia and the Inlet of Mussels, represents Scarterra largest inlet to the sea.   This is the natural formation that the nation of Musseland is formed around. The fact that the area is impassable to most sailing ships is both a blessing and a curse.


Basically, a penisula in reverse, this area represents a long finger of the sea pushing into the land.   The inland is too narrow and shallow to accomodate sailing ships safely but it is perfect for small boats and is rich in seafood, especially shellfish.


Subtropical and rainy.

Natural Resources

The locals live off the abundant fish and shellfish, so much that it became the namesake of the locals now called Musselanders.   It's also one of the most plentiful sources of pearls in all of Scarterra.


Geographically the region favored many small settlements but made large population concentrated populations centers impractical. The region represents one of the last enclaves of humans to civilize.   The tribes and clans had many different names but outsiders collecitvely labeled them "Musselanders" and the locals eventually decided to accept the label with pride.   The inhabitants of the Inlet of Plenty where a decentralized lot of small independent clans and chiefdoms for many centuries. The different groups quarreled and argued a lot. The competing groups had many honor duels and the occasional random murder, but rarely engaged in large scale bloodshed.  
Eventually, the disaparate groups banded together in solidarity against the frequent raids by dark elves seeking captives as slaves. Not being ones to stand on ceremony or pride, they took on the name Musseland for their scrappy nation.   The Musselander clans allying against a common foe evolved naturally for them, and it is little surprise that the Musslanders were the driving force behind the founding of the Colassian Confederacy.
by me with Hero Forge

What About Scaraqua?

  The inlet is rich in tasty seafood, and there is some ability to gather other resources from the seafloor here. This region is appealing to astalakians especially.   The problem is the water is shallow, especially during low tide and it is very easy to get into contact with Scarterrans and the reaction is normally along the lines of "AAAHHH! Giant crab monster!" and it tends to end violently.   This tends to end in more dead humans than dead astalakians but the humans have the strength of numbers and are surprisingly stubborn. As generations pass, the Musselanders have built up small caches of armor piercing weapons specifically to kill "evil crab people".   The astalakians and other Scaraquan have mostly written this inlet as being too dangerous. There are resources here, yes, but nothing Scaraquans cannot find elsewhere, so all but the most desperate generally give these waters a wide berth.
Alternative Name(s)
Inlet of Mussels, Inlet of East Colassia
Location under
Owning Organization
Contested By


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Aug 14, 2024 03:21 by Lady Wynter

A good mix of history and what this inlet looks like. I'm just wondering if the only reason that this inlet is impassable to most ships is due to it's size and shallowness.

Bringing the Light
Aug 14, 2024 07:37

Yeah, the only reason is the size and shallowness. I guess I could clarify, intermittent and unpredictable shallowness, but I didn't want to put anything exotic and overtly supernatural here.