Lady Ebrilla ap Gruffyl

Lady Ebrilla ap Gruffyl

Lady Ebrilla was the child of the draconic squib Blodwen ap Gruffyl and a Llafin Bloodline sorcerer. The only child of that union to become a fully recognized Gruffyl sorceress.   Lady Ebrilla was a talented Diviner and well educated. She was valued for her wisdom both within her house and without it. She served a decent term as the Matriarch of House Gruffyl.   She was also one of the longest lived members of House Gruffyl in history bested only by Gruffyl himself.   She had seven children born 1742, 1745, 1749, 1752, 1754, 1758, 1762   Her children include one sorcerer and one sorceress both with heterchromia, technically. The sorceress was one of the first to have partial heterchromia. She has two green eyes, but one has the draconic pupil and one has a human pupil. Her brother the sorcerer has two human eyes of distinctly different colors.   One of her squib brothers had the same eye thing. The other squibs are half heterochromia (with normal human eyes mismatched) half normal matching eyes.  
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1725 CE 1821 CE 96 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Khemra's Zodiac Year
Circumstances of Death
old age
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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