Lady Heulwen ap Gruffyl

Lady Heulwen ap Gruffyl

In her youth, Huelwen was a carefree flirtatious prankster. After the tragic death of her twin sister Lunet, she went into a period of mourning and emerged a steely manipulator aided by her skill in Illusions and Enchantment. Later she picked up some Divination.   She didn't get along with Count Rohdri ap Gruffyl, she was more interested in her own advancement rather than advancing the interestings of House Gruffyl. She managed to finangle a marriage between herself and a landed sorcerer of House Numaness.   She had seven children with her Numaness husband including three children with sorcery. Her heir and spare are sorceresses and her second spare is a sorcerer who felt shut out by House Numaness and opted to identify as a Gruffyl.  
Year of Birth
1774 CE 64 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Maylar's Zodiac Year
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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