Lady Mika ap Dauli

Lady Mika ap Dauli

Lady Mika is very good looking and very charming, beloved by her noble peers and the peasants alike. Not too surprisingly, she is skilled at Enchantment magic as well. Like many of the Dauli Bloodline, she is a fairly skilled Transmuter.   She married a sorcerer from one of the major house who was an heir apparent to a count title. Since the wedding was put together quickly and unexpectedly, and the fact that she gave birth five months after the wedding, it seems fairly obvious she seduced him before they were wed.   Her family had mixed reactions to this. On one hand they liked the legitmacy it gave their Bloodline legitimacy but it also meant that Mika's children would not likely bear the Dauli last name.  
Year of Birth
1796 CE 42 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Greymoria's Zodiac Year and Month

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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