Lineage of Kimmon

The Lineage of Kimmon is an venerable and well respected lineage of wisdom among the Lanterns of Zarthus.   Kimmon and his intellectual descendants were and are fierce foes of minions of the the Void.   Especially in the Feudal Era, it is easily possible for someone in the Lineage of Kimmon to live his or her life without even seeing a Void Demon. All in the lineage of Kimmon will aggressively hunt the undead given the opportunity. Most will aggressively hunt ogres and others Cannibal Sickness. Some will go after dangerous monsters and a few will go after corrupt humanoid mortals, but this is not what the lineage is known for as a whole.   The lineage of Kimmon aggressively hunts Infernalists and they are not afraid act outside the law when doing so. Throughout the centuries, they have been accused of murdering suspected infernalists without concrete proof multiple times.   The lineage of Kimmon has a high rate of attrition, but they are famous and respected so it's not especially difficult for them to find new recruits. They are especially likely to recruit survivors or great tragedies or attrocties, whether they are connected to the Void or not.

Public Agenda

To defend the innocent from the threat of the Void.


Allegedly this lineage goes all the way back to the The Little Unmaking though some detractors say it only goes back to the time of Vladimir the Conqueror but if that is the case, the lineage is still almost two millennia old.   The story the Lanterns tell is that Kimmon was a human favored soul of Zarthus that lost some/most/all of his friends and family to Void demons.   He dedicated his life to fighting the minions of The Void. His apprentices grew up to be powerful foes of The Void, and they taught their values to their apprentices generation after generation.   The lineage technically existed but almost faded into obscurity towards the end of the Red Era, but the Lineage of Kimmon was instrumental in the resistance against Vladimir the Conqueror and his undead minions. The Lineage also recruited a great many new members from the embittered survivors of Vladimir's attrocities.
I probably want to expand this later. I wanted to get the bones out before the end of Summer Camp 2024.
Religious, Inquisitorial
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages

Cover image: Crude Lantern Icon by Me


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